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Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery
R. Moore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Practical and easy to use, this superbly illustrated text will provide the trainee with diagnostic and surgical guidance, tips and tricks, and a good solid background to the use of minimally invasive urological... czytaj dalej

Endourology a Practical Handbook
Patel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Endourology is an easy to use, practically orientated book on aspects of endoscopic and percutaneous assessment/management of diseases of the upper urinary tract. The book is aimed at trainee and practicing... czytaj dalej

Long-Run Growth & Short-run Stabilization
Lawrence Klein Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There is much confusion in the economics literature on wage determination and the employment-inflation trade-off. Few model builders pay as much careful attention to the definition and meaning of long-run concepts... czytaj dalej

Multinationals & Industiral Competitiveness
Dunning Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book provides an excellent overview of the changing relationship between multinationals and economic development as globalization has taken off, and substantially altered the conditions for catching up... czytaj dalej

Globalization & Equity Perspectives from the Developing Worl
Dinello Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'In bringing together seven regional studies by economists from the Global Development Network, Natalia Dinello and Lyn Squire provide an insightful perspective on the relationships between globalization and... czytaj dalej

Innovation in Technology Alliance Networks
Lemmens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book provides us with valuable insights into the alliance network that has come into existence in one of the largest IT-based sectors, i.e. microelectronics, and the evolution of this network structure... czytaj dalej

Letters of Samuel Pepys
S. Pepys Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The correspondence included here represents the first selection of Pepys's letters drawn from all possible sources to be published since 1933. Since the Diary does not cover this period, the letters enable... czytaj dalej

Prawo budowlane
Siegień Jerzy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To zbiór aktualnych aktów prawnych regulujących całość zagadnień związanych z procesem budowlanym od projektowania obiektu poprzez jego budowę i utrzymanie, aż do rozbiórki.... czytaj dalej

Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health
Jain Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bringing together the latest research from leading experts, this book provides an indispensable reference on the health benefits of drinking tea. It examines the general health giving properties of tea before... czytaj dalej

Aesop`s Fables
D.L. Ashliman Wydawnictwo: inne

Full of humor, insight, and wit, the tales in Aesop’s Fables champion the value of hard work and perseverance, compassion for others, and honesty. They are age-old wisdom in a delicious form, for the consumption... czytaj dalej