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Natural Introduction to Probability Theory
R. Meester Wydawnictwo: inne

In this introduction to probability theory, we deviate from the route usually taken. We do not take the axioms of probability as our starting point, but re-discover these along the way. First, we discuss discrete... czytaj dalej

Bauwel Berlin annual 1998 Chronolfy of Building Events 1996-
Duttmann Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume documents building activities in Berlin. It includes the office of the president of Germany, the construction of the Chancellery in Tiergarten, the Gemaldegalerie by Hilmer/Sattler, the new Chamber... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Combinatorial Torsions
Vladimir Turaev Wydawnictwo: inne

This text is an introduction to combinatorial torsions of cellular spaces and manifolds with special emphasis on torsions of 3-dimensional manifolds. The necessary background for the reader includes the elementary... czytaj dalej

Equations in Mathematical Physics
Victor Pikulin Wydawnictwo: inne

Many physical processes in fields such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism or optics are described by means of partial differential equations. The aim of the present book is to demontstrate... czytaj dalej

Statistics in Genetics & in the Environmental Sciences
Luisa Fernholz Wydawnictwo: inne

This book grew out of a workshop on statistics in the sciences held on Monte Verita, Switzerland, in the spring of 1999. It offers a snapshot of the role played by statistics in genetics and in the environmental... czytaj dalej

Lucien Clergue Poesie Photographique Fifty Years of Masterwo
E. Turck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of almost 150 images traces the dynamic continuum that is Clergue's career: from the mysterious gypsies of his childhood, and his friendships with Picasso, Cocteau and other avant-garde personalitites... czytaj dalej

Skull Base & Related Structures
J. Lang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The base of the skull is the anatomic border between neurosurgery and ENT respective to oral surgery. From this interdisciplinary area the so-called surgery of the cranial base has developed in the last 15... czytaj dalej

Marker Missbrauchlichen Alkoholkonsums
R. Aderjan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fortwährender Alkoholmissbrauch führt häufig zu Gesundheitsschäden und Nachteilen in der Lebensgeschichte von Menschen. Wer vom Alkohol abhängig ist, wird leicht straffällig, verliert die Fahrerlaubnis oder... czytaj dalej

Perinatal Stress Mood & Anxiety Disorders
A. Riecher-Rossler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mood and anxiety disorders are very common during the perinatal period, with severe consequences not only for the mother but also for the child and the whole family. Recent research has shown how maternal stress... czytaj dalej

Embedding Education in to Diabetes Practice
M. Porta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The current epidemics of diabetes, obesity and related disorders makes lifestyle modification paramount in preventive and therapeutic interventions. This volume describes the rationale, history, methodologies... czytaj dalej