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Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2007
Stephen McPhee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Comprehensive in its coverage of inpatient and outpatient care, and uniquely accessible in reinforcing only those diagnostic and treatment tools pertinent to your practice, CURRENT Medical Diagnosis Treatment... czytaj dalej

Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology
Brust Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author is listed in "The Best Doctors in America" and is a world-famous authority on stroke. This work's potential audience includes more than 300,000 health providers including internists, family... czytaj dalej

Licensed Practical Nurse Exam Review
Gossman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the NCLEX-PN exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Board Review
Emblad Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the pediatrics board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format... czytaj dalej

Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment
L. Way Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment covers over 1,000 diseases and disorders managed by surgeons. It encompasses general surgery and the surgical subspecialties and emphasizes quick recall of major diagnostic... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Radiologic Science
R.A. Fosbinder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A basic textbook for radiography students, examining the fundamentals of radiologic technology programs. The book covers three of the five categories tested on the radiography Registry exam (radiologic physics... czytaj dalej

GYN Oncology Handbook
Santoso Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handy pocket resource concisely outlines need-to-know information on types of gynecologic cancers, complications management, surgical procedures, peri-operative care, chemotherapy, radiation oncology,... czytaj dalej

Sonography Obstetrics & Gynecology
Fleisher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here is definitive coverage of the latest techniques and diagnostic guidelines for use of sonography in ob/gyn, including transvaginal sonography, color Doppler sonography, and 3-D image processing. More... czytaj dalej

Foundations of Parasitology
Gerald Schmidt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A parasitology text for biological/zoological students at the undergraduate level. Emphasizes principles with related information on the biology, physiology, morphology, and ecology of the major parasites... czytaj dalej

Mammography & Breast Imaging
Peart Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The perfect review tool for radiologic technologists certifying or recertifying. Following the guidelines specified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (AART) Exam, the book includes all breast... czytaj dalej