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Foundations of Social Capital
Ostrom Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Trustworthiness, networks, and formal and informal rules or institutions are the forms of social capital selected for discussion here as important in the study of collective action. Facsimiles of 23 articles... czytaj dalej

Elimination Practice Software Tools & Applications
Wang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With a software library included, this book provides an elementary introduction to polynomial elimination in practice. The library Epsilon, implemented in Maple and Java, contains more than 70 well-documented... czytaj dalej

Indexing Manual of Good Practice
P. Booth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book covers all aspects of whole document indexing of books, serial publications, images and sound materials. The book gives the purpose and principles of indexing, and covers areas such as managing the... czytaj dalej

Population Resources & Development
J. Chrispin Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

This is a completely revised edition of this popular A level text, which takes into account the most recent developments and research. This volume includes topics such as: growth, wealth and happiness; colonialism... czytaj dalej

25 Houses under 2,500 Square Feet
J. Trulove Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

25 Houses Under 2,500 Square Feet discusses carefully defined spaces and how space can be used most effectively. The 25 recently-constructed homes featured are 2,500 feet and under with some as small as 640... czytaj dalej

Noise of Infinite Longing
L. Torregrosa Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Lyrical and forceful, The Noise of Infinite Longing is about a family's origins, its place in society, its illusions, and, ultimately, what happened when its members moved in different directions. The book... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Family Medicine
John Saultz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text looks at family medicine, detailing the clinical management of the most important conditions seen in primary practice in a problem-based format. The two-colour format gives an accessibility to charts... czytaj dalej

LANGE Personal Clinical Resource Pediatric Emergency Medicin
Sharieff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A-Z format ensures quick and seamless navigation; find the clinical pearls you need to manage difficult cases within seconds!
Free PDA download of complete book
Action specific - provides specific,... czytaj dalej

Critical Thinking
B. Moore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than any other textbook, Moore and Parker's Critical Thinking has defined the structure and content of the critical thinking course at colleges and universities across the country--and has done so with... czytaj dalej

Management Information Systems
Haag Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chapters cover what instructors want students to know about MIS while Extended Learning Modules (XLMs) show students what they can do with MIS. A contemporary writing style and a wealth of examples engage students... czytaj dalej