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Diets Designed for Athletes
M. Karinch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If you're a competitive athlete or coach at any level, then you're well aware of the hype surrounding sport- performance foods and supplements on the market. With so many options available, how do you evaluate... czytaj dalej

Biomechanics of Sport & Exercise 2e
P. McGinnis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise launches a new genre of text; it#8217;s less complicated and much more practical. This book starts by showing students the practical applications of mechanics and concludes... czytaj dalej

No Place Like Home
Michaels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

After their widowed father puts their grandmother in the nursing home so that he can spend more time with his gold-digging fianc ee, college seniors Sara, Hannah, and Sam Cisco set out to free Granny. ... czytaj dalej

Your Right to Know How to Use the Freedom of Information
H. Brooke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The public had no right to most of this information - until now. On 1 January 2005 the Freedom of Information Act came into force giving the British public a legal right for the first time to access information... czytaj dalej

Easter Cooking
R. Gilpin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title has easy to follow step-by-step recipes for Easter that should encourage children to cook safely. They include spring flower sweets, Easter fruit bread and daisy biscuits, as well as useful and creative... czytaj dalej

True Stories of the First World War
P. Dowswell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The First World War still haunts people today and this fascinating book describes some of the key events from one of the most troubling wars in history. With its aircraft, submarines, machine guns and tanks... czytaj dalej

Demon's Rock
S. Glover Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A hot new title from a chilling new series of stories by some of the best thriller-writers around!Older children will enjoy reading about how Bug and Mona come to learn about the secret of Demon's Rock, a secret... czytaj dalej

Stinking story of Rubbish
K. Daynes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Stinking Story of Rubbish is a vivid and humorous introduction to the history of human waste.Vividly illustrated with clearly laid out text, with speech bubbles to aid the narrative flow.Developed in conjunction... czytaj dalej

Directors' Dilemmas
Dunne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on author's first-hand experience of running workshops for troubled directors at 3i this book offers some fascinating insights into what goes on behind boardroom doors. Whatever the size or nature of... czytaj dalej

Resuscitation of Newborn
H. Drew Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The information provides a detailed, step-by-step account of the practicalities involved in neonatal resuscitation - whether in a home or hospital environment. It also deals in a sensitive way with the issues... czytaj dalej