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Immunology Guidebook
J. Cruse Wydawnictwo: inne

The Immunology Guidebook provides an easily accessible text-reference to the more up-to-date and difficult concepts in the complex science of immunology. It aims to demystify basic concepts and specialised... czytaj dalej

Mechanics of Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosoles
Finlay Wydawnictwo: inne

The Mechanics of Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosols presents novel, in-depth expositions of the most common delivery devices, including nebulizers, dry powder inhalers, and propellant metered-dose inhalers. A... czytaj dalej

Mergers Acquisitions & Other Restructuring Activities
DePamphilis Wydawnictwo: inne

Dr. Donald DePamphilis explains the real-world of mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring based on his academic knowledge and personal experiences with over 30 such deals himself. The 77 case studies span... czytaj dalej

Electronics & Communications for Scientists & Engineering
Martin Plonus Wydawnictwo: inne

A new type of text for non-majors in electrical engineering, this book satisfies the need for all educated persons to comprehend some basics of electronic technology and the Internet. Class-tested with 300... czytaj dalej

Linux for Programmers & Users
K. Ables Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For introductory through advanced courses in Linux. Addressing the growing popularity of Linux in the academic setting, this text is based on the widely used book by these authors, "UNIX for Programmers... czytaj dalej

Fire Your Stock Analyst
H. Domash Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is simply the world's most useful book for personal investors who want to rely less on the so-called "experts" and more on their own intelligence and knowledge. In Fire Your Stock Analyst!, a... czytaj dalej

Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers
Dodd Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Christmas was coming. Out came the tree, dressed up in finery, splendid to see. Trinkets and tinsel with baubles and bows, a mouse with a hat and a very red nose." It's Christmas in Slinky Malinki's... czytaj dalej

Egyptian Mummies
Pemberton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Egyptologist Delia Pemberton unravels the mystery of mummification in Egyptian Mummies: People from the Past. Focusing on seven mummies that currently reside in the British Museum, this volume provides a wealth... czytaj dalej

Coral Reefs of Indian Ocean Their Ecology & Conservation
T. McClanahan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accessible and complex, coral reefs are ideal natural laboratories for studying a wide range of ecological and biological questions. This collection focuses on the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, which contain... czytaj dalej

Genetic Basic of Cancer
K. Steinberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed to educate healthcare professionals, this CD-ROM covers the scientific concepts that explain the genetic basis for cancer, focusing on breast and colon cancer. It also provides a comprehensive account... czytaj dalej