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Performing Islam Gender & Ritual in Iran
A. Torab Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Performing Islam" describes and analyses a wide range of ritual activities marking, at times starkly contrasting, religious anniversaries and life course events in Iran today. Arguing that ritual... czytaj dalej

Diabetes Research Guide Postgraduates
Tuch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Diabetes Research opens up the important world of research into a disease that is thousands of years old, but still has no cure. By presenting a succinct overview into the work of researchers struggling to... czytaj dalej

Poles Together?
Szczerbiak Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book fills a gap in the existing literature on how parties and party systems are developing in the new democracies of post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe. It provides the first detailed, empirically... czytaj dalej

Clinical Epidemiology
R. Fletcher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This introduction to epidemiology helps medical, nursing, and pharmacy students develop a system to observe and assess outcomes in similar patient types, and then apply this knowledge of outcomes to improve... czytaj dalej

Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine
Brian Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly revised and updated, this pocket-sized manual is written by the staff and fellows at the Cleveland Clinic and published in partnership with Topol... czytaj dalej

Detecting Environmental, Industrial & Biomedical Signals
F. D'Abraham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume contains reports on state-of-the-art studies relevant to signal detection in important scientific areas such as environmental, industrial and biomedical monitoring. Critical issues in the fields... czytaj dalej

Molecular Orbital Calculations for Amino Acids and Peptides
Anne Sapse Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume describes in detail the technique of molecular orbital calculations for biochemistry. The level of presentation will be accessible to biochemists and biophysicists.... czytaj dalej

Research Methods in Psychology
GlynisG Breakwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`An excellent introduction to Research Methods. In fact it is more than an introduction - it is a sophisticated coverage for a book of this type. I would be more than happy to have my students use this book... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Human Resource Management v 2
Zanko Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'There is considerable rigour behind the work and the contexts are well positioned. The books have excellent HR data for not only businesses, but employees considering a transfer to an international location... czytaj dalej

Institutional Change for Sustainable Development
R. Connor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Taking their concept of sustainable development from the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Connor and Dovers (both of the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian... czytaj dalej