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Mosby's Personal Professional Profile
Kevin Teasdale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A personal profile designed for qualified nurses, health visitors and midwives all of whom, since the introduction of the UKCC's Post Registration Education and Practice guidelines, are required to compile... czytaj dalej

Proper Group Actions & Baum-Connes Conjecture
G. Mislin Wydawnictwo: inne

A concise introduction to the techniques used to prove the Baum-Connes conjecture. The Baum-Connes conjecture predicts that the K-homology of the reduced C^*-algebra of a group can be computed as the equivariant... czytaj dalej

Goulding Wydawnictwo: inne

Following 50 years of glucocorticoid use in a clinical setting, an international body of expert scientists and physicians presents the most expansive survey of glucocorticoid pharmacology to date. This work... czytaj dalej

Modern Methods of Drug Discovery
A. Hillisch Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume offers a broad and interdisciplinary view of modern approaches to drug discovery as used by pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. It comprehensively covers proteomics, bioinformatics... czytaj dalej

Inflammatory & Infectious Basis of Atherosclersis
J. Mehta Wydawnictwo: inne

During the 1990s, major strides were made in defining the presence and role of inflammation in atherosclerosis as well as in injury to the tissues that occurs after episodes of ischemia and reperfusion. This... czytaj dalej

Neurological Disorders In Famous Artists
J. Bogousslavsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of how a neurological disorder can change the artistic activity and behavior of creative people is a largely unexplored field. This publication looks closer at famous painters, writers, composers... czytaj dalej

B. Braun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der Band 'Kopfweiden' vermittelt ein abgerundetes Bild dieser Bäume mit ihrer besonderen kulturgeschichtlichen Rolle und mit ihrer herausragenden ökologischen Bedeutung. Gleichzeitig erforscht er den Zustand... czytaj dalej

Emerging Trends In Biotechnology
Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Science has changed the life style of people across the globe and India is no exception. With increasing relevances and applicability of genetics to human affairs, it is within the realm of possibility that... czytaj dalej

Steroid Analysis In The Pharmaceutical Industry
S. Gorog Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Steroid Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Harmonal Steroids, Sterols, Vitamins D, Cardiac GlycosidesThis unique work describes the analytical chemistry of an important group of pharmaceutical compounds... czytaj dalej

Minimally Invasive Surgery
Charles Andrus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical guide to laparoscopic surgery highlights the practical problems faced by surgeons and the underlying theories. The rationale behind applications, as well as clinical experiences and morbidity... czytaj dalej