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Cardiac surgery in chronic renal failure
Cohn Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is an invaluable reference source for physicians and other health care professionals managing patients with renal failure and significant heart disease. Chronic renal failure patients represent a specific... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Career Development 2 Vols
J. Greenhaus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Career Development. With more than 400 articles the Encyclopedia of Career Development is the best reference tool for research on career-related topics... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Immigration and Migration 2 vols
G. Bakken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Immigration and Migration in the American West. The Encyclopedia provides a complete and definite history of racial and ethnic groups that populated... czytaj dalej

Action Research
J. Whitehead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Action Research: Living Theory, Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead set out their vision for action research in the 21st Century. This is a passionate, and compelling book, that defines the philosophy behind... czytaj dalej

Operations Management II vols 4,5,6
B. Bennett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These three volumes build on Volumes 1-3, which focused on operations management concepts and strategy, design of operations systems, and operations planning and control. They consider more specific aspects... czytaj dalej

Microsoft Office 2003
Shelly Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new Premium Edition includes sufficient material for a first course on Office 2003 applications and includes a quick reference FastCard on file management skills... czytaj dalej

Esthetics In Dentistry v.2
R. Goldstein Wydawnictwo: inne

Esthetic dentistry is the ultimate challenge for the restorative dentist. Not only must the restoration look good, but it must also function well and endure the test of time.This volume is designed to present... czytaj dalej

Clinician's Guide to Common Geriatric Oral Conditions 2nd ed
Ship Wydawnictwo: inne

Compared to previous generations, today's older adult is much more likely to have natural teeth. Because aging and systemic diseases can influence oral health and function, it is important for clinicians to... czytaj dalej

J. Vacca Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this book, you will gain extensive hands-on experience installing and configuring a firewall. You will also learn how to allow access to key Web services while maintaining your organization's security, as... czytaj dalej

Bedside Critical Care Manual
Chan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The updated new edition of this popular volume is a handy and highly practical manual for effectively managing every situation in the critical care setting. You will find guidelines for managing specific patient... czytaj dalej