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Reforming International Environmental Governance
W. Chambers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 500 international agreements and institutions now influence the governance of environmental problems ranging from climate change to persistent organic pollutants. The establishment of environmental... czytaj dalej

Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Neurology for PDA
A. Flaherty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Neurology, neurosurgery, and internal medicine residents and practitioners will find this PDA an essential reference for their day to day practice. Blending neurology and general medicine this palm-based product... czytaj dalej

Living Well with an Ostomy
E. Rayson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Your complete guide to: day-to-day ostomy care with hints and tips for natural solutions coping with the physical changes to your body information for children, young adults and seniors ... czytaj dalej

Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy
M. Cole Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A core text for over 12 years, this revised third edition of Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy provides an updated perspective on the design and use of groups in emerging practice areas. ... czytaj dalej

Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science Business Interfaces
C. Nourani Wydawnictwo: inne

Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science is an interdisciplinary field combining the arts, sciences, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, and the humanities. The field presented is deeply... czytaj dalej

Complexity & Co Evolution
Garnsey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Applies ideas and methods from the complexity perspective to key concerns in the social sciences, exploring co-evolutionary processes. ... czytaj dalej

Environment & Sustainable Development in the New Central Eur
Z. Bochniarz Wydawnictwo: inne

With the enlargement of the European Union, the accession countries are coming under pressure to develop and meet EU standards for environmental protection and sustainable development. In this ongoing process... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Astronomy
Ince Wydawnictwo: inne

This fully updated and revised dictionary covers all aspects of astronomy, from telescopes to planets, equations to astronomers, stars to comets. It includes recent missions, discoveries and changes in technology... czytaj dalej

Instights Into Petroleum Geochemistry
B. Colletta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title is designed for all scientists in both academia and industry who want to understand the methods and techniques for using geochemistry in the world of petroleum. ... czytaj dalej

Symbols of Catholicism
J. Le Gall Wydawnictwo: inne

This book invites the reader either to discover or to increase the understanding of Catholocism, on of the cornerstones of Western culture. The symbols of the Catholic Church are at once human and divine, material... czytaj dalej