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Delivering IT & eBusiness Value
V. Graeser Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Delivering Business Value from IT' is focused on the evaluation issue in IT and how IT evaluation can proceed across the life-cycle of any IT investment and be linked positively to improving business performance... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Ophthalmology
M. Millodot Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Dictionary of Ophthalmology is the perfect companion for all ophthalmologists in training or in practice. It will appeal to residents and those taking higher examinations as well as to optometrists and... czytaj dalej

Clinically Integrated Histology
David Cormack Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by the author of the classic medical student text Essential Histology , this volume uses a case study format to help students relate histology to clinical medicine. Each chapter focuses on an organ... czytaj dalej

Phlebotomy Essentials
McCall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly updated and enhanced by new print and electronic ancillaries, this full-color text provides accurate, practical information and instruction on phlebotomy procedures with a comprehensive background... czytaj dalej

Leading the Global Workforce
L. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Leading the Global Workforce provides a handy guide for international organizations that must achieve results in managing and sustaining a global workforce. The fourteen illustrative cases outlined address... czytaj dalej

Cholecystokinin & Its Antagonists in Pain Management
G. McCleane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clinical work with bisexual clients has conceptually shifted beyond the exclusive emphasis on either straight or lesbian and gay issues. There are still, however, too few psychotherapists who provide affirmative... czytaj dalej

Neurobiology of Autism
Bauman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the decade since the first edition of "The Neurobiology of Autism" was published, research has revealed valuable new information about the nature and origins of autism, including genetics and abnormalities... czytaj dalej

Williams-Beuren Syndrome
C. Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Williams-Beuren Syndrome offers concise, comprehensive coverage of Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) research and its clinical implications, including its genetics and molecular biology, neurobiological and behavioral... czytaj dalej

Yup'ik Words of Wisdom Yupiit Qanruyutait
A. Fienup-Riordan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This bilingual volume focuses on the teachings, experience, and practical wisdom of expert Native orators as they instruct a younger generation about their place in the world. In carefully crafted presentations... czytaj dalej

Human Anatomy & Physiology
S. Kravits Wydawnictwo: inne

Elaine Marieb's clearly written and comprehensive lab manuals guide students through well-planned lab activities and feature illustrations and full-color photographs that help students to better understand... czytaj dalej