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WTO at Ten
G. Sacerdoti Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bringing together articles by some of the leading policy-makers, including previous WTO Director-Generals, practitioners, scholars of international trade law, government officials, international civil servants... czytaj dalej

Statistics Tool for Social Research 7ed
Healey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive, student-oriented text that provides students a challenging first look at social statistics by illustrating the application of statistics to contemporary social issues. Students learn to read... czytaj dalej

Sight Unseen
Goddard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Another classic mystery from the #8220;master of the clever twist.#8221;On a summer#8217;s day in 1981, a two-year-old girl, Tamsin Hall, was abducted during a picnic at the famous prehistoric site of Avebury... czytaj dalej

Keep the Lights Burning Abbie
Peter Roop,Connie Roop Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When Abbie's father gets lost in a storm at sea, it's up to her to keep the lighthouse lit and care for her two sisters and sick mother. "A fascinating tale."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Dancing with the Indians
Andrea Medearis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A young girl and her family attend an Indian powwow and dance with the Seminoles, whose ancestors rescued her grandfather from slavery and accepted him as their brother.... czytaj dalej

Second Cousins
V. Hamilton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a spellbinding sequel to Cousins, highly-acclaimed author Hamilton brings to life the story of Cammy Coleman and her second cousins, who are in town for the big Coleman reunion. Their sophisticated New York... czytaj dalej

J Love Spiders
R. Parkinson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An interesting twist to people's natural aversion to spiders, with a special surprise ending... czytaj dalej

Abe Lincoln Hat
Martha Brenner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This lively biography introduces young readers to the man who became America's 16th president, and reveals how Lincoln kept important papers in his tall black hat. "This anecdotal biography actually humanizes... czytaj dalej

Pocket Guide to Bishosphonates in Clinical Practice Preventi
R. Bartl,B. Frisch Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The potential capacity of the biphosphonates to intervene in osseous remodelling was recognized in the 1970s. The biphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic activity. In spite of advances in early detection, surgey... czytaj dalej

NMS Biochemistry 4e
Davidson,Donald Sittman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NMS Biochemistry, Fourth Edition , is designed to help medical students successfully complete a course in biochemistry and prepare for USMLE Step 1. This new edition has been significantly updated, and extensively... czytaj dalej