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Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine
S. Mahadevan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine is a much-needed resource for individuals practicing in this challenging field. It takes a novel approach, describing in detail the best and most current methods... czytaj dalej

Archytas of Tarentum
Huffman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Archytas of Tarentum is one of the three most important philosophers in the Pythagorean tradition, a prominent mathematician, who gave the first solution to the famous problem of doubling the cube, an important... czytaj dalej

Ovid's Lovers
V. Rimell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Central to Ovid's elegiac texts and his Metamorphoses is his pre-occupation with how desiring subjects interact and seduce each other. This major study, which shifts the focus in Ovidian criticism from intertextuality... czytaj dalej

Developmental Psychology
J. Cavanaugh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The text that you've known for accuracy, quality, and scholarship has been reborn into a new student-focused edition, featuring new pedagogy, a dynamic new design, and new student-oriented features.The Fifth... czytaj dalej

Dancing with the Two-headed Tigress
Biswas Wydawnictwo: inne

When her boorish father dies, fat, unsophisticated Mousumi is sent from India to her cosmopolitan relations in London. Leaving behind everything she has ever known, a forlorn mother and an amorous shopkeeper... czytaj dalej

Frederick Douglass Fights For Freedom
M. Davidson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Born a slave, Frederick Douglass went on to become one of the most famous freedom fighters of all time. By the author of I Have a Dream: The Story of Dr. Martin Luther King. Black-and-white photos.... czytaj dalej

Golden Goblet
Eloise McGraw Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ranofer struggles to thwart his evil brother's plot so he can become a master goldsmith like their father. An exciting tale of ancient Egyptian mystery and intrigue.... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #09 Dolphins at Daybreak
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Mangement W/Upgrade CD 3e
Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Third Edition combines a focused overview of recent scholarship with a practical approach to key functional areas (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling). To promote active skill-building throughout... czytaj dalej

Human Nervous System Structure & Function 5e
Charles Noback Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents fundamental aspects of the human nervous system's structure and function, with expanded chapters on the development and growth of the nervous system, auditory and vestibular systems, basal ganglia... czytaj dalej