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Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
O`Brien Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Divided into five parts, this book aims to guide the reader through the key issues and debates within contemporary epistemology. It also explains complex issues such as those concerning the Private Language... czytaj dalej

I Can Add Up
R. Gibson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Usborne Playtime series features fun act ivities combined with opportunities for learning and practis ing essential pre-school skills. I Can Add Up develops the s kill of ''counting on'' which leads to... czytaj dalej

Firth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An introduction to mediaeval knights and life in the Middle Ages. The topics covered include castles, armour, weapons and battle, tournaments, chivalry and life in towns and castles. The volume is part of a... czytaj dalej

True Stories of Crime & Detection
G. Harvey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This compilation explores the famous and lesser-known crimes of the 20th century. Find out what real criminals and detectives are like, how crimes are committed and solved, and the thought processes of brilliant... czytaj dalej

Boy in the Burning House
T. Wynne-Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jim is just regaining some semblance of a normal life following his father's sudden disappearance, when he is attacked by a crazy girl. Ruth Rose has a wild story to tell about her stepfather, the saintly Father... czytaj dalej

Stinking story of Rubbish
K. Daynes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Stinking Story of Rubbish is a vivid and humorous introduction to the history of human waste.Vividly illustrated with clearly laid out text, with speech bubbles to aid the narrative flow.Developed in conjunction... czytaj dalej

Market Intelligence
Callingham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the biggest problems facing organizations that commission market research is ensuring that they get the research they want and that the research is relevant to the organization. There are many different... czytaj dalej

Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom
Pierce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The UK's 'enterprise' culture, business friendly employment laws, relatively benign fiscal policies, world class support services and perhaps most of all its language have made it an attractive place to invest... czytaj dalej

Project Risk Management
D. Well-Stam Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A practical and concise approach to analyzing and managing risk in projects ... czytaj dalej

Practical Fibreoptic Intubation
M. Popat Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Introductory chapters cover the fundamentals including equipment preparation, fibreoptic airway aids, the acquisition of basic skills and the role of fibreoptic intubation in difficult airway management. All... czytaj dalej