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Ripley's Believe It or Not #10 X-traordinary X-tremes
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What's creamy, cold, served on a cone, and tastes like fresh eel? Give up? It's eel flavored ice cream! How would you like to get a job sniffing armpits? Maybe you'd like to play a game of basketball where... czytaj dalej

Freckle Juice
J. Blume Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than anything in the world, Andrew wants freckles. His classmate Nicky has freckles -- they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. (Once sitting behind him in class, Andrew counted eighty-six... czytaj dalej

Hiv Infection & Aids
Murphy Wydawnictwo: inne

This pocket-sized colour atlas provides realistic, clinical appearances in HIV infection and AIDS. The small size, concise text and high quality colour photographs throughout make this reference a must-have... czytaj dalej

Total Hip Arthroplasty Outcomes
G. Finerman Wydawnictwo: inne

A short, useful text covering the area of total hip arthroplasty by reviewing and comparing the basic statistics of the leading implants. Total hip arthroplasty is the most frequently performed reconstructive... czytaj dalej

Artificial White Man
S. Crouch Wydawnictwo: inne

A bracing of the problem of authenticity in America - in racial politics, in the arts and in the media - and the first collection of original essays from one of America's most important and most galvanizing... czytaj dalej

Washington's God
Novak Wydawnictwo: inne

A leading conservative thinker offers the first in-depth look at the religious life of America's greatest founding father, George Washington George Washington has long been viewed as the patron saint of secular... czytaj dalej

Currency Strategy
Henderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Currency Strategy, Second Edition develops new techniques and explains classic tools available for predicting, managing, and optimizing fluctuations in the currency markets. Author Callum Henderson shows readers... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Genetics Genomics Proteomics & Bioinf. 8vols
M. Dunn,B. Lynn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Genomics and its related fields of proteomics and bioinformatics are among the most exciting and rapidly expanding disciplines at the start of the twenty-first century. With more and more whole genome sequences... czytaj dalej

Futurize Your Enterprise
D. Siegel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

... czytaj dalej

Design For Electrical & Computer Engineers
J. Salt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Addresses the important issues of documentation and testing. * A chapter on project management provides practical suggestions for organizing design teams, scheduling tasks, monitoring progress, and reporting... czytaj dalej