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Finding Legal Information a Guide to Print & Electronic Sour
Pester Wydawnictwo: inne

This book is an accessible and easy-to-use directory of legal information sources for librarians, lawyers, students and anyone needing legal information. The book covers mainly British and European Union law... czytaj dalej

European Social Model
Nick Adnett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is an excellent book that I will definitely use for teaching. Adnett and Hardy provide an optimistic assessment of the potential development of a European Social Model in the face of increasing diversity... czytaj dalej

Banking Supervision at the Crossroads
T. Kuppens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book charts the consequences for banking supervision of two stylized developments that over the last decade have characterized the global financial landscape: the integration of cross-sector and cross-border... czytaj dalej

Empirical Industrial Organization 2 vols
P. Joskow Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This two-volume collection presents the most important recent articles on empirical issues in industrial organization, related primarily to the analysis of imperfect competition.These two volumes offer a carefully... czytaj dalej

Reforming Pensions in Europe
G. Hughes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This volume makes a valuable contribution to understanding the variety and complexity of reforms and their impacts.'- Mark Harvey, Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations'Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart... czytaj dalej

Health Policy & High-tech Industrial Development
Marco Tommaso Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Many countries and regions are actively promoting high technology industries as a means of stimulating the economy. The authors point out that these efforts are not only encouraging economic development, but... czytaj dalej

European-American Trade & Financial Alliances
C. Padoan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this, his final book, Gavin Boyd has brought together a distinguished group of experts on the nature and extent of transatlantic policy coordination and its implication for corporate strategy. This remarkably... czytaj dalej

Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management
P. Koundouri Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This fascinating book outlines the fundamental principles and difficulties that characterise the challenging task of using econometrics to inform natural resource management policies, and illustrates them through... czytaj dalej

NGO Accountability Politics Principles
M. Edwards Wydawnictwo: brak danych

*NGOs are under fire for being "unaccountable" to anyone; this is the first book to tackle fully the politics, pitfalls, and benefits of NGO accountability* Offers the world??'s hundreds of thousands... czytaj dalej

Aksjologia w kształceniu pedagogów
Kostkiewicz Janina red. Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls

Ze względu na fakt sytuowania się podstaw edukacji, także pedagogów w filozofii człowieka i aksjologii, celem książki jest ukazanie miejsca, rangi i roli tej drugiej w kształceniu pedagogów na poziomie wyższym... czytaj dalej