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Research Design 4 vols
David de Vaus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection brings together key articles and book chapters to provide an overview of research design for the social sciences, focusing on the purpose and nature of research design - the architecture of... czytaj dalej

Foreign Direct Investment in Central Eastern Europe Case Stu
Saul Estrin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work contains 12 case studies of foreign direct investment, four each in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Included are major firms such as Skoda and Danone, as well as smaller ventures. ... czytaj dalej

Cardiac Arrhythmia
P. Podrid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Second Edition of this clinically oriented textbook about cardiac arrhythmia management continues to be a must-have volume for practicing cardiologists and internists, who require up-to-date information... czytaj dalej

Phlebotomy Essentials
Ruth McCall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This updated Third Edition provides accurate, practical information and instruction in phlebotomy procedures and techniques with a comprehensive background in theory and principles. This new edition reflects... czytaj dalej

Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests
Fischbach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In full color for the first time, this leading comprehensive reference covers a broad range of laboratory and diagnostic tests and studies, grouped according to specimen and function/test type (e.g. blood,... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Urology Diagnosis & Therapy
Siroky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handbook is a practical, easily accessible guide to the diagnosis and treatment of urologic disorders. In an outline format that is ideal for rapid, on-the-spot reference, the text covers all medical and... czytaj dalej

Pathology of Kidney 6e 2 vols
Jennette Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Guided by the biggest names in renal pathology, the new Sixth Edition of this gold-standard text thoroughly examines the origins and manifestations of kidney disease. Experts offer careful pathologic descriptions... czytaj dalej

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Genes & Infection
R. Patarce-Montero Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Patarca-Montero (medicine, microbiology, and immunology, U. of Miami School of Medicine) discusses current research indicating that chronic fatigue syndrome may have an infectious etiology and that genetic... czytaj dalej

Fifty Jewish Women Who Changed The World
D. Rosen Wydawnictwo: inne

Molly Picon, beloved star of the Yiddish Theater, Broadway, and Hollywood, blazed a trail for women in the entertainment industry.- Gertrude Stein not only declared "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery
Litwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Because of the wide variety of anomalies encountered in congenital heart surgery, a broad understanding of the pathologic anatomy of defects is vitally important to the successful surgeon. More than in most... czytaj dalej