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Practical Interfacing in the Laboratory Using PC
Derenzo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This text describes in practical terms how to use a desk-top computer to monitor and control laboratory experiments. The author clearly explains how to design electronic circuits and write computer programs... czytaj dalej

Designing Inclusion
Edmund Phelps Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An inclusion failure has become highly visible in the advanced economies of the West. Too many able-bodied people are subject to chronic joblessness and, when employed, cannot earn a living remotely like that... czytaj dalej

Stroke Treatment & Prevention
Hankey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This invaluable reference will provide clinicians caring for stroke patients with ready access to the optimal evidence for best practice in acute stroke treatment and secondary prevention. The author, who is... czytaj dalej

Inside Washington
W. Delphos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed to help professionals find specific resources from the federal government, including incentives and programs. Find the money that the government has stored and puts aside for businesses. Get the hidden... czytaj dalej

Out of the Dust
K. Hesse Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The story of Billie Jo, a girl who struggles to help her family survive the dust bowl years of the Depression, is told in poetry. A testament to the American spirit, this novel became an instant classic. "A... czytaj dalej

Reason For A Flower
R. Heller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With stunning illustrations, Ruth Heller explains the different parts of a flower, pollination, and growth, using a rhyming text. "One rarely finds such richness in a book at the low cost of Heller's extravagantly... czytaj dalej

Gregory the Terrible Eater
Mitchell Sharmat Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Like all mothers, Gregory’s mom struggles to get her little goat to eat a well balanced diet. When she offers him tires and tin cans all Gregory wants to eat are fruits and vegetables. But Gregory’s mom is... czytaj dalej

Babushka's Doll
P. Polacco Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Here's a gentle cautionary tale from a noted children's book author-illustrator. Natasha insists on having her grandmother entertain her every minute, until a doll her grandmother gives her comes to life and... czytaj dalej

Remnants Mutation
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Caught in the bowels of their strange new world, Mo' Steel and Billy Weir encounter a lost Remnant, Kubric DiSalvo. But Kubric has been horribly changed. The ship has transformed him, replacing his skin with... czytaj dalej

Debating Democracy
Miroff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This reader offers two readings per chapter organized in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates classroom discussion.Chapter... czytaj dalej