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Auditing & Assurance Services
T. Louwers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Upon publication, this text will be the most up-to-date auditing text on the market. Itżs been written so that it is current with all issues inherent in accounting and auditing practice, particularly in public... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
D. Myers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

David Myers' Social Psychology continues to set the standard by which other Social Psychology texts are judged. Its renowned authorżs engaging writing style and unique, intimate voice make the text compelling... czytaj dalej

Risk Management & Insurance
Harrington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the 1990s, textbooks have begun to promote a stronger business risk management component while maintaining a consumer orientation. This work takes the next step, offering the essential aspects of insurance... czytaj dalej

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 9e
Bertram Katzung Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most current, authoritative, and comprehensive pharmacology book for medical, pharmacy, and other health science students. Widely respected for its clarity, comprehensiveness, and organization, this pharmacology... czytaj dalej

Principles of Critical Care
Schmidt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The classic text in critical care medicine!The 3rd Edition of this classic text is streamlined and focused on the needs of the working critical care physician and features important new treatment strategies... czytaj dalej

Williams Hematology
Lichtman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Williams HEMATOLOGY, 6th Edition, informs on new developments in genetics and molecular biology, sickle cell diseases, gene rearrangements, platelet morphology, biochemistry and function and so much more. Chapters... czytaj dalej

Tuberculosis & Nontuberculosis Mycobacterial Infections
Schlossberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Audience includes Infectious Disease Specialists and Respiratory Medicine Physicians Unlike most texts on the market, this is not just about lung disease -- it covers the whole gamut of how these infections... czytaj dalej

How Buffett Does It 24 Simple Investing Strategies from the
Pardoe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Warren Buffett is arguably the worldżs greatest investor. His Berkshire Hathaway stock, issued at $450 per share, is now trading at an all time high of $94,000+! Buffett has his own unique investing style:... czytaj dalej

Did You Spot the Gorilla
Wiseman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just... czytaj dalej

Szabo Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

This 1987 Hungarian novel in the modernist tradition combines emotionality and literary quality in the story of two women, a writer and her housekeeper. ... czytaj dalej