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Difficult Diabetes
Gill Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Difficult Diabetes is intended for diabetologists and endocrinologists who want to keep abreast of the developments in this fast-changing world. It provides a distillation of clinical wisdom that is desperately... czytaj dalej

Developmet & Developers Perspectives on Property
Guy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book presents for the first time an interdisciplinary view of property development and property developers. Fourteen contributor are brought together here from leading researchers and respected practitioners... czytaj dalej

Clinical Dermatology 3e
Hunter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The third edition of this bestselling text for the non-specialist provides a simple, common sense approach to the diagnosis and management of all the common skin diseases. The book also covers underlying pathological... czytaj dalej

Cardiac Arrhythmias Diagnosis Menagement
Podrid,Kowey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides a detailed overview of cardiac arrhythmias. The clinically oriented material in this text presents diagnostic as well as treatment protocols and there are specific chapters on pregnancy, athletics and genetic issues. ... czytaj dalej

BRS Biochemistry
Marks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

BRS Biochemistry embodies the popular BRS format of succinct outline review of content followed by approximately 500 USMLE-style questions with explanations. This current edition has numerous illustrations... czytaj dalej

Cardiac Pacing for Clinician
Kusumoto,Nora Goldschlager Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical and clinically oriented textbook is designed to teach the fundamentals of cardiac pacing and to guide those health care professionals who may not do pacing on a regular basis. The authors explain... czytaj dalej

Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography 10e
A. Wagner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For over four decades the Marriott name has been a synonym for quality education in electrocardiography. As Practical Electrocardiography's new author, Galen Wagner proved a worthy successor to Barney Marriott... czytaj dalej

Radford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This thought-provoking book re-evaluates the work of one of the best-known and most visually influential artists of the twentieth century. Robert Radford traces Dali`s career from the crucial early years in... czytaj dalej

Cinema Today
Edward Buscombe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. Written by Edward Buscombe, academic and leading authority on Western films, Cinema Today marks... czytaj dalej

Architecture Today
J. Steele Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With the collapse of Modernism in the 1960s, architecture has fragmented and evolved in many different directions, each driven by its own ideologies and theories. This book sets out a clear and comprehensive... czytaj dalej