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Nanoscale Calibration Standards & Methods
Wilkening Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The quantitative determination of the properties of micro- and nanostructures is essential in research and development. Here, peer-reviewed papers are presented with contributions for the NanoScale 2004 seminar... czytaj dalej

Architecture of Von Gerkan Marg Partners
J. Zukowsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and their partners make up one of the most innovative architectural offices in Germany. This book presents 50 of the group's finest architectural designs. ... czytaj dalej

Verbundnetz Gas AG Leipzing Headquarters Building Becker
Eike Becker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is an overview of the award-winning and unusually high-tech Verbundnetz Gas AG building in Leipzig. Working alongside the architects in their key role, specialist subcontractors joined forces to form an... czytaj dalej

Geist Gehirn & Nervenheilkunde
Spitzer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Wissen um unser wichtigstes Organ, das Gehirn, geht uns alle an. Daher sind die Ergebnisse der Neurowissenschaft nicht nur für den Neurologen und Psychiater von Bedeutung, sondern für alle, die verantwortungsvoll... czytaj dalej

Biotechnology in the Welfare of Mankind v 2
I. Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biotechnology in the Welfare of Mankind (Volume 2)Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an... czytaj dalej

Role of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v14
I. Ali Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Plants are nature's remedies and have been used on the earth for food and medicine since ancient times and Indian herbs have gathered a fan following world over, because of their simple healing powers. There... czytaj dalej

Key Issues For Mountain Areas
M. Price Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mountain areas cover almost one quarter of the earth's land surface, with a quarter of the global population living on them or very close by, and they are sources of water, food, timber, minerals and other... czytaj dalej

Real Analysis
Yeh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents a unified treatise of the theory of measure and integration. In the setting of a general measure space, every concept is defined precisely and every theorem is presented with a clear and... czytaj dalej

Last Day of Summer
Sturges Wydawnictwo: inne

Photographs evoke the true nature of summer. ... czytaj dalej

Environmental Services of Agroforestry Systems
F. Montaqnini Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Deforestation and the rampant use of fossil fuels are major contributors to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and are enormous influences on global warming. Agroforestry systems and tree plantations can... czytaj dalej