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Genomics & Powerpoint CD Package
P. Benfey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Genomics and for biology courses that include Genomics in their subject matter. With the complete genome sequence now available for a variety of organisms, the field of genomics is growing enormously... czytaj dalej

First You Build Cloud
K. Cole Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An introduction to physics examines the theoretical principles developed by Galileo, Bohr, and Newton, and explains how the laws of physics pervade everyday human life. ... czytaj dalej

Middle of Everywhere
M. Pipher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over the past decade, Mary Pipher has been a great source of wisdom, helping us to better understand our family members. Now she connects us with the newest members of the American family--refugees. In cities... czytaj dalej

Surviving Armageddon
B. McGuire Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Asian tsunami of December 2004 killed a third of a million people, and made the Earth wobble slightly on its axis. The world was shocked. Yet we know that such massive catastrophes have happened many times... czytaj dalej

Nonverbal Behavior in Clinical Settings
P. Philippot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past 25 years, the study of nonverbal behaviour has become a significant subarea of psychology. Employing a variety of approaches and encompassing numerous perspectives, researchers have made important... czytaj dalej

Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology
P. Maddison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition of this highly successful textbook is now available in one carefully integrated volume. A strong clinical emphasis is present throughout from the first section of commonly presenting problems... czytaj dalej

Art of Star Wars Episode IV New Hope
C. Titelman Wydawnictwo: inne

To compliment the new Special Edition versions of the classic Star Wars films being released in theaters, these new editions of the bestselling companion books each include sixteen pages of all-new material... czytaj dalej

Star Wars Annotated Screenplays
L. Kasdan Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides the complete screenplays of the three Star Wars films, and provides background information about how the scripts were developed... czytaj dalej

Book of Fathers
Vamos Wydawnictwo: inne

In 1705 Kornel Csillag's grandfather happens across a miraculous gold fob-watch gleaming in the mud of an ancient Magyar battlefield, which is to improve dramatically his family's shipwrecked fortunes - for... czytaj dalej

Stephens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Victor is a good pup and always does as he is told, but Butch is small and bad and loves being naughty and now Victor wants to be bad too. But being bad isn't as easy as he thinks. ... czytaj dalej