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This stirring collection of diaries written by young people during the Holocaust reflects a vast and diverse range of experience, and serves to deepen and complicate the understanding of life during that time. ... czytaj dalej
Mosby's Pharmacology in Nursing is the classic pharmacology text now made even better. Known for its comprehensive coverage of nursing pharmacology, the 22nd edition retains this strong focus but features a... czytaj dalej
A cataract is the most common cause of blindness worldwide, and phacoemulsification is the most common method of cataract surgery. Specific techniques of phacoemulsification are constantly updated and improved... czytaj dalej
One of the nation's most renowned photographers turns her lens to twins, hoping to capture the fascinating, often unsettling bond that exists between these special siblings. 10,000 first printing. ... czytaj dalej
The Great Religions: Essential Questions is an invitation to discover and better understand four of the most influential spiritual faiths: Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, and Tibetan Buddhism. And in his introductory... czytaj dalej
The quantitative determination of the properties of micro- and nanostructures is essential in research and development. Here, peer-reviewed papers are presented with contributions for the NanoScale 2004 seminar... czytaj dalej
Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and their partners make up one of the most innovative architectural offices in Germany. This book presents 50 of the group's finest architectural designs. ... czytaj dalej
This is an overview of the award-winning and unusually high-tech Verbundnetz Gas AG building in Leipzig. Working alongside the architects in their key role, specialist subcontractors joined forces to form an... czytaj dalej
Das Wissen um unser wichtigstes Organ, das Gehirn, geht uns alle an. Daher sind die Ergebnisse der Neurowissenschaft nicht nur für den Neurologen und Psychiater von Bedeutung, sondern für alle, die verantwortungsvoll... czytaj dalej
Biotechnology in the Welfare of Mankind (Volume 2)Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an... czytaj dalej