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Indigenous Peoples & Environmental Issues
Johansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 170 native peoples around the world are facing life-and-death struggles to maintain environments threatened by oil spills, explosions, toxic chemicals, global warming, and other pollutants.' This... czytaj dalej

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Training from the Source
A. Khristine Wydawnictwo: inne

Learn by doing! The lessons in this book guide you step-by-step through the creation of a project Web site, "Yoga Sangha." With Macromedia's official guide, you'll learn how to use the leading, best-selling... czytaj dalej

Decorative Ironwork
Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From benches and balconies to gates, grates, lampposts, and locks, decorative iron- and steel-work have been put to innumerable uses. This generously illustrated book, the first extensive study of the subject... czytaj dalej

Poland Rough Guide
Mark Salter,Gordon McLachlan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These guides offer detailed coverage of both provincial and urban areas, especially Warsaw and, more importantly, Krak w. The outdoor recreation for which Poland is deservedly well known gets its due. The Rough... czytaj dalej

Oculoplastic Surgery Essentials
Chen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A concise, comprehensive review of the most up-to-date viewpoints and effective treatment solutions for ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. Essential clinical points and 'Pearls' are highlighted... czytaj dalej

Architecture of Truth
L. Herve Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Abbey of Le Thoronet in Provence, one of the wonders of 12th-century Cistercian architecture, was restored in the 19th century and consists of an austere church, a cloister and 12th-century monastic buildings... czytaj dalej

Jean Prouve Complete Works
Sulzer Wydawnictwo: inne

Jean Prouve (1901-1984) was one of the most renowned design engineers of the 20th century. This volume, the second in Birkhauser's 4-volume edition of Prouve's Complete Works, covers the period between 1934... czytaj dalej

Deutsches LitLexikon 19
W. Kosch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning... czytaj dalej

Veritcal Density Representation & Its Applications
Troutt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents a new research topic in statistics--vertical density representation (VDR). The theory of VDR has been found to be useful for developing new ideas and methodologies in statistics and management... czytaj dalej

Frida Biography of Frida Kahlo
H. Herrera Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

With generous use of firsthand sources including collectors, friends, and fellow artists, Hayden Herrera has produced an exhaustively researched study of the Mexican painter's life, loves, and artistic ambitions... czytaj dalej