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Handbook of Electrical Installation Practice
G. Stokes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Handbook of Electrical Installation Practice covers all key aspects of industrial, commercial and domestic installations and draws on the expertise of a wide range of industrial experts. Chapters are devoted... czytaj dalej

Ocular Blood Flow
H. Kaiser,J. Flammer,P. Hendrickson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is a synopsis of up-to-date knowledge on the quantification of ocular blood perfusion and originates from expert lectures held at the 1995 Glaucoma Meeting in Switzerland. In the first section, a... czytaj dalej

D. Terpitz Wydawnictwo: Könemann

Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697-1768), known as Canaletto, is one of the most popular of all old master painters. His views of Venice and London are much celebrated and admired. First published in 1982, and revised... czytaj dalej

Principles of network & System Administration 2nd ed
Burgess Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This single, comprehensive resource responds to the high demand for specialitsts to be able to provide advice to users, as well as day-to-day administration, maintenance, and support of computer systems and... czytaj dalej

Discounted Cash Flow
A. Loeffler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Firm valuation is currently a very exciting topic. It is interesting for those economists engaged in either practice or theory, particularly for those in finance. The literature on firm valuation recommends... czytaj dalej

Wiley GAAP for Governments Interpretation
W. Ruppel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wiley GAAP for Governments 2006 is a comprehensive guide to the accounting and financial reporting principles used by state and local governments as well as other governmental entities. Financial statement... czytaj dalej

Reading California Art Image & Identity 1900-2000
Barron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This companion volume to the exhibition "Made in California: Art, Image and Identity, 1900-2000" at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art offers in-depth, illustrated essays on the making of California... czytaj dalej

Total E-Mail Marketing
D. Chaffey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

E-mail is a powerful marketing communications tool which excels at developing relationships with existing customers and acquiring new customers. This second edition builds on the authors successful formula... czytaj dalej

Manifest Destinys Underworld
May Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The causes and consequences of the filibusters' armed, illegal invasions of foreign countries; This fascinating study sheds new light on antebellum America's notorious "filibusters" - the freebooters... czytaj dalej

Illustrated Beatus v 3
J. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Around the year 776, Beatus of Liebana compiled a commentary on the "Apocalypse", which has come down to us in 32 manuscripts and fragments, spanning the 9th to the 13th century. This is the third... czytaj dalej