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FAITH OF THE FALLEN took The Sword of Truth into a new decade and onto new heights of intense, thoughtful and meaningful fantasy while never losing sight of the need to tell a compelling and sweeping story... czytaj dalej
Decision-making is a process of choosing from possible courses of action in order to attain goals and objectives. Nobel laureate Herbert Simon wrote that the whole process of managerial decision-making is synonymous... czytaj dalej
Theory and Ion Chemistry concentrates on the fundamental aspects of a set of 13 carefully chosen topics covering the whole field of mass spectrometry. It covers both primary (basic) considerations, as well... czytaj dalej
'The best non-fiction novel since In Cold Blood and a lot moreentertaining.' -- Edmund White'Berendt - and the reader - are in travel-writer heaven... This is a book whichleaves you amused, spooked and introduced... czytaj dalej
The year is 1774 and Bolitho, now a newly appointed third lieutenant, joins the Destiny at Plymouth. The frigate is dispatched on a secret mission far south to Rio and then the Caribbean where they face the... czytaj dalej
Tenderly, joyously, sometimes in sadness, sometimes in pain, Maya Angelou writes from the heart and celebrates life as only she has discovered it. In this moving volume of poetry, we hear the multi-faceted... czytaj dalej
Plant asset management is a holistic approach to managing maintenance. Practical, accessible and business centred, these books provide a complete guide to understanding, planning, organising and managing maintenance... czytaj dalej
Poems, quotations, and proverbs in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino and English.... czytaj dalej
"Threads of Thinking, Third Edition" is a book for all early years practitioners who wish to support and develop children's thinking. Cathy Nutbrown presents evidence of continuity and progression... czytaj dalej
Zasób badań nad dojrzewaniem w dziedzinie psychologii wzrósł ogromnie na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dziesięcioleci wymuszając przy tym pewną rewizję i nowatorskie podejście do tego zagadnienia. Ten multidyscyplinarny... czytaj dalej