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Nauczycielem być... Jak zapanować nad trudnymi zachowaniami uczniów i porozumieć się z klasą
Ewa Góralczyk Wydawnictwo:

Co nauczyciel-wychowawca powinien wiedzieć o sobie, swoich uczniach i wzajemnym oddziaływaniu na siebie obu stron, aby umieć poradzić sobie z trudnymi zachowaniami uczniów i trudnymi sytuacjami w klasie. Zawiera... czytaj dalej

Reasons & Rationalizations
C. Argyris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What is the purpose of social science and management research? Do scholars/researchers have a responsibility to generate insights and knowledge that are of practical (implementable) value and validity? We are... czytaj dalej

Java Concurrency in Practice
B. Goetz Wydawnictwo: inne

As processors become faster and multiprocessor systems become cheaper, the need to take advantage of multithreading in order to achieve full hardware resource utilization only increases the importance of being... czytaj dalej

Walking Talking Lying
Simmons Wydawnictwo: inne

Laurie Simmons is one of the first contemporary American photographers to have created elaborately-staged narrative photographs. Using dolls to act out piquant scenarios within specially constructed environments... czytaj dalej

Fuels & Engines Technology Energy Environment v.2
Jean Guibet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book describes in detail the technologies that are in use or under development at the end of the 20th century, which are designed to provide high-quality fuels and ensure their optimal use in the engines... czytaj dalej

Languages of the World / Sprachen der Welt
Albrecht Klose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new edition of an index of the languages of the world is a response to the recurring reference problem: to identify languages and dialects, to classify them and, if necessary, to determine the correct... czytaj dalej

Function & Regulation of Cellular Systems
W. Alt Wydawnictwo: inne

Current biological research demands the extensive use of sophisticated mathematical methods and computer-aided analysis of experiments and data. This highly interdisciplinary volume focuses on structural, dynamical... czytaj dalej

UFO Visitation
A. Watts Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Takes a closer look at those beings who have a benevolent interest in the continuing welfare of Earth's inhabitants - and those who don't. ... czytaj dalej

Concepts of Genetics 8e
W. Klug Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For one or two term courses in genetics in the departments of Biology, Zoology, Agriculture or Health Science.Emphasis on problem solving skills  NEW: "Now Solve This" - Directs students to a problem... czytaj dalej

Business Opportunities
V. Hollett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Business Opportunitiesprovides opportunities for practicing language in a range of professional situations, while offering opportunities to practice all four language skills, especially listening and speaking.... czytaj dalej