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Dziecięca skarbnica historii biblijnych
Praca zbiorowa Wydawnictwo:

Najpiękniejsze historie biblijne w luksusowym wydaniu... czytaj dalej

Twoja żółta bajeczka
Jolanta Krzysztofiak Wydawnictwo: Skrzat

Zapraszamy do pełnych wdzięku i radości książeczek z serii Świat malucha. Barwne, sympatyczne ilustracje zachwycą wszystkie dzieci, a łatwe do zapamiętania rymowanki rozśmieszą i pobudzą wyobraźnię.... czytaj dalej

Salvation & Suicide
D. Chidester Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Re-issued in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the mass suicides at Jonestown, this revised edition of David Chidester's pathbreaking book features a new prologue that considers the meaning of the tragedy... czytaj dalej

Last Jews in Baghdad
Rejwan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Once upon a time, Baghdad was home to a flourishing Jewish community. More than a third of the city's people were Jews, and Jewish customs and holidays helped set the pattern of Baghdad's cultural and commercial... czytaj dalej

In Search of the Lost Cord
Luba Vikhanski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"In Search of the Lost Cord" is a scientific detective story, the stuff of science fiction en route to science fact. People trapped by the limitation of paralyzed limbs, rendered useless by devastating... czytaj dalej

Len Deighton Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Three very different men and one woman become embroiled in a thrilling and violent quest in an imaginary South American republic. The author also wrote "Game, Set and Match" and "Hook, Line and Sinker". ... czytaj dalej

Memorising Medicine
Bentley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ever thought that memorizing the list of all the investigations to do for a medical condition were 'BUMMERS' to recall? Not now that you remember that this is also the acronym for Bloods, Urine, Microbiology... czytaj dalej

Recent Advances in Histopathology v 21
James Underwood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The latest issue in this highly successful review series. The chapters review the important developments in histopathology, enabling trainee and practising histopathologists to update themselves quickly without... czytaj dalej

Heart Failure in Clinical Practice
J. McMurray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents the views of a team of international cardiologists on the subject of developments in the diverse area of heart failure. The contributors cover current issues and treatments including beta... czytaj dalej

People of the Pharaohs
H. Wilson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Answering common questions, such as what the Egyptians used for money, why they drew people in profile, referring to famous monuments, this book presents a vivid fascinating picture of life in Ancient Egypt... czytaj dalej