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Supplement One American Language
H. Mencken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'The American Language' is a classic, and has been for decades the dominant influence on the study of American English. This one- volume edition is a distillation of Mencken's three large volumes, a distillation... czytaj dalej

In the Air
P. Hepplewhite Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fascinating series depicting the world during the Second World War. Interesting and informative, the four books in the series will each contain true life stories and photographs and documents from the Imperial War Museum.... czytaj dalej

Third Girl
A. Christie Wydawnictwo: inne

When a young girl vaguely confesses to a possible murder she's not sure she committed, the Belgian detective is thrown for a loop. Then this girl with a secret disappears and no one's talking. ... czytaj dalej

Bodleian Library Oxford v.2
Marshall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is the second in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a prolific period in... czytaj dalej

Anaton Tchekhov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

D'apres Tchekhov. Dans la bonne société caucasienne de la fin du siecle, Ivan Laievski, homme cynique et débauché, a séduit une femme mariée, s'est lassé de cet amour, et , accablé de dettes, veut fuir a Saint-Pétersbourg... czytaj dalej

Shadow of the Sun
A. Byatt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

First published in 1964, this is the story of Anna Severell's struggle at the age of 17 to evolve her own personality in the shadow of her father, Henry Severell, a famous English novelist.... czytaj dalej

Biomarker Guide 2 vols
Peters Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The second edition of The Biomarker Guide is a fully updated and expanded version of this essential reference. Now in two volumes, it provides a comprehensive account of the role biomarker technology plays... czytaj dalej

H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When Teddy, a professor in an American university, brings his wife Ruth to visit London and his family, he finds himself prey to old conflicts. But now it is Ruth who becomes the focus of the family's struggle... czytaj dalej

Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism
P. James Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Paul James has written a magnificent account of the world's current condition, one that highlights the complexities and contradictions with which people, communities, and nations must contend and that does... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Australia Southeast Coast & Tasmania 1e
Peter Stone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over 50 dive sites in southeast Australia, including the New South Wales Coast, Victoria Coast, South Australia Coast and Tasmania. Dive highlights: Historic and scuttled shipwrecks in the Shipwreck Coast.... czytaj dalej