Raised in the British colony of Valparabiso, Chile, after being abandoned as a baby, pregnant Eliza follows her lover to California at the height of the Gold Rush and finds adventure and adversity on her road...czytaj dalej
The first young adult novel from legendary New York Times-bestselling author Jack Higgins. For thirty years, Jack Higgins has enraptured adult readers with his thrilling tales of spies and intrigue. Now, for...czytaj dalej
"Swyteck is exceptionally cool. And so is James Grippando...A terrific thriller".Miami Herald...czytaj dalej
Whether we're buying a pair of jeans, ordering a cup of coffee, selecting a long-distance carrier, applying to college, choosing a doctor, or setting up a 401(k), everyday decisions -- both big and small --...czytaj dalej
Larry J. Koenig, Ph.D., creator of the hugely popular Smart DisciplineŽ seminars, explains his simple, dramatically effective system to help children follow the rules at home and at school. It is easily tailoredto...czytaj dalej
Buffalo Bill wasn't always a world-famous legend. Before he was everyone's favorite Pony Express rider and star of his own Wild West Show, Bill was a real pioneer: a boy who hopped on a wagon and blazed a new...czytaj dalej
Violence and tensions along the U.S.-Mexican border have never been higher, sparked by battles between rival drug lords and an increased flow of illegal migrants. To combat the threat, the United States has...czytaj dalej
25 Houses Under 2,500 Square Feet discusses carefully defined spaces and how space can be used most effectively. The 25 recently-constructed homes featured are 2,500 feet and under with some as small as 640...czytaj dalej
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kanon | 2018-12-05 20:43:08 |