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Okładka - Adventures of Young Buffalo Bill To The Frontier
Adventures of Young Buffalo Bill To The Frontier

Buffalo Bill wasn't always a world-famous legend. Before he was everyone's favorite Pony Express rider and star of his own Wild West Show, Bill was a real pioneer: a boy who hopped on a wagon and blazed a new...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Daughter of Fortune
Daughter of Fortune
I. Allende

Raised in the British colony of Valparabiso, Chile, after being abandoned as a baby, pregnant Eliza follows her lover to California at the height of the Gold Rush and finds adventure and adversity on her road...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Books of Magic vol 4 Consequences
Books of Magic vol 4 Consequences

Do you believe in magic?Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time.Tim has decided to finally...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Lo Esencial de Atkins
Lo Esencial de Atkins
A. Health

Millones de personas en todo el mundo ya han descubierto el Método de Nutrición Atkins y los tremendos beneficios conseguidos al controlar el consumo de carbohidratos. Ahora es aún más fácil unirse a esta revolución...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Cameras in Narnia
Cameras in Narnia
I. Brodie

There are a thousand stories in the land of Narnia -- how Andrew Adamson brought The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe to the big screen is one of them. How do you turn a book into a movie? How did the moviemakers...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Step into Narnia
Step into Narnia
J. Kirk

The Chronicles of Narnia": "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is now a spectacular motion picture from Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. Now even the youngest child can share the magic...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Revolucion Diabetica del Dr Atkins
Revolucion Diabetica del Dr Atkins
R. Atkins

Las estadísticas son asombrosas. Trece millones de americanos han sigo diagnosticados con diabetes tipo 2, y otros 5.2 millones ni si-quiera saben que la tienen. Durante los últimos treinta ańos, los casos...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Edge of Battle
Edge of Battle
Brown Dale

Violence and tensions along the U.S.-Mexican border have never been higher, sparked by battles between rival drug lords and an increased flow of illegal migrants. To combat the threat, the United States has...czytaj dalej

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