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Foreword to Past
Bojtar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over time at least four meanings have been attributed to the term 'Baltic' -- drawing on thirty years of extensive research, Foreword to the Past is the first modern introduction to the enigma of the Baltic... czytaj dalej

Love on Trial American Scandal in Black & White
Lewis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Upon marrying Leonard Rhinelander in 1924, Alice Jones, a former nanny, became the first black woman to be listed in the Social Register as a member of one of New York's wealthiest families. When their marriage... czytaj dalej

National Identity in Russian Culture
S. Franklin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What is Russia? Who are Russians? What is 'Russianness'? The question of national identity has long been a vexed one in Russia, and is particularly pertinent in the post-Soviet period. For a thousand years... czytaj dalej

State & Local Government
Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Once again, CQ Press will publish its trusted collection of articles on a wide range of issues currently affecting state and local politics. New editor Kevin Smith samples from publications such as Governing... czytaj dalej

Women's History in Global Perspective v 1
B. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The American Historical Association's Committee on Women Historians commissioned some of the pioneering figures in women's history to prepare essays in their respective areas of expertise. This volume collects... czytaj dalej

Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
L. Prakke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book was first published in Dutch in 1981. It was called `Het staatsrecht van de landen der Europese Gemeenschappen (Constitutional Law of the EC Member States) and covered the then nine member states... czytaj dalej

Key Writings on Subcultures 1535-1727 vol.3
A. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A Complete History of the Highwaymen discloses the most secret and barbarous murders, unparalleled robberies, notorious thefts and unheard of cheats, setting them in a true light and exposing them to public... czytaj dalej

Steve Fenton Wydawnictwo: Sic!

W swej zwięzłej i przystępnej książce Steve Fenton przeprowadza czytelnika przez 100 lat literatury przedmiotu na temat etniczności. Przywołując najważniejszych teoretyków i przykłady z całego świata, bada... czytaj dalej

Budda i kwiat
Henri Brunel Wydawnictwo: Sic!

Zebrane tu baśnie i opowieści zen z Japonii, Chin, Indii i Tybetu kryją w sobie myśl znacznie starszą niż chrześcijaństwo. Henri Brunel przystosował ją do naszej wrażliwości, biorąc na siebie rolę pośrednika... czytaj dalej

Global Chicago
Madigan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Once known for gangsters and meatpacking, Chicago was virtually synonymous with the rough and tumble side of the industrial era. Today, however, Chicago has outgrown even national prominence to become a truly... czytaj dalej