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For undergraduate/graduate-level courses in Quality Control, Statistical Process Control, Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance.Practical and state-of-the-art in approach, this text provides fundamental-yet... czytaj dalej
For upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Field Hydrogeology.This field-oriented text/manual provides background information on the WHYs of field work as well as step-by-step procedures for... czytaj dalej
A fascinating evaluation of our genetic origins.... czytaj dalej
The theory of dynamical systems is a major mathematical discipline closely intertwined with all main areas of mathematics. It has greatly stimulated research in many sciences and given rise to the vast new... czytaj dalej
D Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera Introduction: Performance Studies at the Intersections / PART ONE: PERFORMANCE AND THEORY / Della Pollock Introduction: Performance Trouble / Jose Esteban Munoz Stages / Rebecca... czytaj dalej
Intended for undergraduate students with majors outside the sciences, this textbook assumes little or no previous familiarity with chemistry. Emphasizing the role of chemistry in the understanding of environmental... czytaj dalej
As the demand for oil and natural gas continues to increase, accurate forecasting of future production capabilities becomes increasingly important - and remains disturbingly out of reach. Though oil reserve... czytaj dalej
After all these years, we think we know the Sun. It is familiar and ever-present, central to human culture. It's so familiar that most of us hardly look at it and so brilliant that we cannot. All of us know... czytaj dalej
Named for Banach, who was one of the great mathematicians of the twentieth century, the concept of Banach spaces figures prominently in the study of functional analysis, having applications to integral and... czytaj dalej
Integrates modern technological innovations into adhesive preparation and applicationOffers ten new chaptersRe-examines the mechanisms driving adhesion, categories of adhesives, techniques for bond formation... czytaj dalej