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College Physics is the best solution for today's college physics market. With a unique, new, approach to physics that builds a conceptual framework as motivation for the physical principles, consistent problem... czytaj dalej
Does university seem like another planet? Does everyone else seem to speak another language? What can you do to make the grade? If these are the kind of questions you are asking yourself, then this is the book... czytaj dalej
The improvement of urban schools is one of the major challenges facing practitioners and policy-makers today. Issues related to poverty create particular difficulties in urban schools, and the emphasis on market-led... czytaj dalej
The Immune Response is a unique reference work covering the basic and clinical principles of immunology in a modern and comprehensive fashion. Written in an engaging conversational style, the book conveys the... czytaj dalej
An exploration of the theory of discrete integrable systems, with an emphasis on the following general problem: how to discretize one or several of independent variables in a given integrable system of differential... czytaj dalej
Berkelman (Cornell University) chronicles the design and construction of the original Cornell electron storage ring (CESR) and the CLEO experimental detectors from 1974 to 1979, the upgrades made to the project... czytaj dalej
This text is intended for undergraduates studying power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamental concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first... czytaj dalej
The oceans are vitally important to an understanding of how the Earth works as an integrated system because its chemical composition records transfer of elements through the Earth's geochemical reservoirs as... czytaj dalej
Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of physical organic chemistry. The field is a fast developing one, with... czytaj dalej
For junior/senior-level and first-year graduate students.This text provides students with the necessary foundation for understanding both design and manufacturing, via the selection of appropriate topics and... czytaj dalej