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Jednym z popularnych zastosowań komputerów w dydaktyce, sprawozdawczości i reklamie są prezentacje komputerowe. Pokazy slajdów znajdują zastosowanie wszędzie tam, gdzie ceni się wizualizację i dostępność infor... czytaj dalej
College Physics is the best solution for today's college physics market. With a unique, new, approach to physics that builds a conceptual framework as motivation for the physical principles, consistent problem... czytaj dalej
Does university seem like another planet? Does everyone else seem to speak another language? What can you do to make the grade? If these are the kind of questions you are asking yourself, then this is the book... czytaj dalej
This book provides a range of insights into pupils' learning relevant to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in primary science. The contributors, who are all experts in their field,... czytaj dalej
The improvement of urban schools is one of the major challenges facing practitioners and policy-makers today. Issues related to poverty create particular difficulties in urban schools, and the emphasis on market-led... czytaj dalej
This major text for Education Studies students provides a critical account of key issues in education today. The text features: A critical analysis of key issues in Education Studies to encourage students'... czytaj dalej
Książka składa się z trech części. Pierwsza dotyczy aproksymacyjnych algorytmów kombinatorycznych dla wielu ważnych problemów, druga - zastosowania programowania liniowego w projektowaniu algorytmów aproksymacyjnych... czytaj dalej
Written for classroom management and general methods courses, the Fourth Edition of Principles of Classroom Managementprovides a theoretically-based and practical system for helping teachers prevent disruptive... czytaj dalej
The Immune Response is a unique reference work covering the basic and clinical principles of immunology in a modern and comprehensive fashion. Written in an engaging conversational style, the book conveys the... czytaj dalej
Many physical processes in fields such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism or optics are described by means of partial differential equations. The aim of the present book is to demontstrate... czytaj dalej