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This timely book is exactly what modern schools need, blending Fullans theoretical genius about change with practical strategies that can work in any school. Readers will discover that it is practical, easy... czytaj dalej
Reviews of the first edition 'In addition to expected information about developmental stages and caregiver response, Duffy discusses diversity and accessibility issues that affect children's response to opportunities... czytaj dalej
This concise and authoritative book emphasizes basic principles and problem formulation. It illustrates both the cohesiveness of the relatively few fundamental ideas in this area and the great variety of problems... czytaj dalej
A concise introduction to the techniques used to prove the Baum-Connes conjecture. The Baum-Connes conjecture predicts that the K-homology of the reduced C^*-algebra of a group can be computed as the equivariant... czytaj dalej
With the rapid development of nanotechnology and its applications, a wide variety of nanostructured materials are now used in commodities, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, biomedical products and industries. As the... czytaj dalej
The new, sixth edition of Marine Biology covers the basics of marine biology and takes a global, non-regional perspective, emphasizing that the world's oceans and seas are an integrated system that cannot be... czytaj dalej
Przewodnik ten zawiera wyjaśnienia elementarnych pojęć oraz wszystkich głównych działów biotechnologii. Książka porusza takie tematy, jak: podstawy biologii molekularnej i komórkowej, kod DNA, klonowanie rozrodcze... czytaj dalej
This book is an introduction to hydrogeology and assumes that students have had one year of basic college calculus (differential and integral calculus). It's applicable for hydrogeololgy, geohydrology, groundwater... czytaj dalej
Fourier Transform Spectrometry is of immediate use to those who use Fourier transform spectrometers in their research, or are considering their use. The authors' presentations enable readers to obtain a clear... czytaj dalej
For algebra-based Introductory Statistics courses.Offering the most accessible approach with a strong visual/graphical emphasis, the text offers a vast number of examples on the premise that students learn... czytaj dalej