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"High Temperature Coatings" demonstrates how to counteract the thermal effects of the rapid corrosion and degradation of exposed materials and equipment that can occur under high operating temperatures... czytaj dalej
Over the last ten years, the theory of Bergman spaces has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. In a series of major advances, central problems once considered intractable were solved, and a rich theory emerged... czytaj dalej
This volume focuses on recent developments in the field of electronically non-adiabatic transitions which are central to a wide variety of rate processes, ranging from charge transfer collisions in the upper... czytaj dalej
Although Rock Mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. It consists of five categories of topics... czytaj dalej
This book deals with the role of water in cell function. Though long recognized to be central to cell function, water's role has not received the attention lately that it deserves. This book brings the role... czytaj dalej
Leaders cannot influence the quality of teaching unless they understand how to recognize really good teaching. The most significant challenge faced by most teachers is how best to facilitate the learning... czytaj dalej
Breaking down complex technology into easy-to-understand concepts, this hands-on, system-level resource offers expert guidance in designing, optimizing, and managing a CDMA2000 wireless network. The book focuses... czytaj dalej
New, powerful mixed-mode scattering parameter techniques are earning rave reviews among wireless and microwave engineers, because they have proved to be highly effective design tools for optimizing the performance... czytaj dalej
Lee Iacocca, znany self-made-man, którego wielu Amerykanów chętnie widziałoby w roli kandydata na prezydenta, ocalił Chryslera przed finansową ruiną, stworzył i opracował koncepcje minivana oraz nadzorował... czytaj dalej
What fundamental account of the world is implicit in physical theory? Physics straightforwardly postulates quarks and electrons, but what of the more intangible elements, such as laws of nature, universals... czytaj dalej