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Both students and instructors find this popular introductory text easy to use. The grammar lessons are presented in a logical sequence with constant vocabulary reinforcement and practice of the four skills#8212;listening... czytaj dalej
Illustrates the physics and technology of the LHC accelerator and its implications on hardwareEquips particle physicists with the basic tools to extract the maximum benefit from various LHC experimentsDiscusses... czytaj dalej
This comprehensive resource highlights the most recent practices and trends in blended learning from a global perspective and provides targeted information for specific blended learning situations. You'll find... czytaj dalej
Ring theory provides the algebraic underpinnings for many areas of mathematics, computer science, and physics. For example, ring theory appears in: functional analysis; algebraic topology; algebraic number... czytaj dalej
This text explores the advantages of associative processing techniques. It illustrates associative processing techniques for both traditional architectures and architectures that support multi-associative processing... czytaj dalej
A practical guide to managing children's behaviour in childcare and early years settings. Brimming with tips and suggestions on how practitioners can help young children to learn, Janet Kay demonstrates how... czytaj dalej
The new edition of this extremely practical guide equips teachers with a huge number of strategies for improving pupils' mathematics and problem-solving skills in the classroom. Mike Ollerton shows how active... czytaj dalej
Beginning with a brief history of the development of batteries and a discussion of their applications and markets, the book goes on to outline the basic terminology and science of batteries. The different types... czytaj dalej
Alkenes and Aromatics examines the reaction mechanisms associated with carbon-carbon double bonds, and then goes on to look at aromatic substitution (nitration, halogenation, sulfonation and Friedel Crafts... czytaj dalej
The application of computational methods to DNA and protein science is an exciting development in biology. 'Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis' is a comprehensive introduction to this emerging field... czytaj dalej