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The book deals with the theory of elasticity and computational solution of its problems. It has two parts. Part A named Theoretical Elasticity describes the mathematical theory and the analytical techniques... czytaj dalej
Grassland covers 26 per cent of the world's total land area. It produces feed for livestock; maintains soil fertility; protects and conserves soil and water resources; creates a habitat for wildlife; provides... czytaj dalej
Główne problemy zmian jezior w XX wieku w świetle literaturyCharakterystyka rozpatrywanych jezior Polski Północno-Wschodniej i ich zlewniWpływ wybranych elementów środowiska geograficznego i antropopresji na... czytaj dalej
There is a tendency to teach the Holocaust from a social and moral perspective and not as history. This book attempts to explain and debate this phenomenon. Drawing on interviews with educationalists, academics... czytaj dalej
Z tego kieszonkowego przewodnika dowiesz się najistotniejszych faktów na temat Ziemi. Dowiesz się, dlaczego mamy wulkany i trzęsienia ziemi oraz skąd się bierze pogoda. Kolorowe ilustracje i schematy przybliżają... czytaj dalej
Developments in the area of modern biology require a sound understanding of principles underlying the biochemical and molecular basis of life processes. An investigational approach based on fundamental scientific... czytaj dalej
Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an important force in the creation of employment, production... czytaj dalej
Part of a series that aims to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis, multi-level theory, research, and methods. The focus is on "critical essays", theoretical work, empirical... czytaj dalej
The exciting new series in junction with NASA takes communications technology to the farthest reaches of space. This book focuses on a broad array of technologies and concepts developed over the last four decades... czytaj dalej
Describes the mathematical techniques, software, and hardware of EITProvides a look at the current state of EIT as well as future developments and applications Discusses algorithms capable of imaging in 3D... czytaj dalej