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Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces Harmonic Maps & Integrable
Frederic Helein Wydawnictwo: inne

This book intends to give an introduction to harmonic maps between a surface and a symmetric manifold and constant mean curvature surfaces as completely integrable systems. The presentation is accessible to... czytaj dalej

Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1
I. Ali Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an important force in the creation of employment, production... czytaj dalej

Many Faces of Multi-Level Issuse
F. Yammarino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Part of a series that aims to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis, multi-level theory, research, and methods. The focus is on "critical essays", theoretical work, empirical... czytaj dalej

Engineering Circuit Analysis
Hayt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The hallmark feature of this classic text is its focus on the student ' it is written so that students may teach the science of circuit analysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined when they are introduced... czytaj dalej

Biology of the Invertebrates
Jan Pechenik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook is the most concise and readable invertebrates book in terms of detail and pedagogy (other texts do not offer boxed readings, a second color, end of chapter questions, or pronunciation guides)... czytaj dalej

Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep Space
Thornton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The exciting new series in junction with NASA takes communications technology to the farthest reaches of space. This book focuses on a broad array of technologies and concepts developed over the last four decades... czytaj dalej

Electrical Impedance Tomography
Holder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Describes the mathematical techniques, software, and hardware of EITProvides a look at the current state of EIT as well as future developments and applications Discusses algorithms capable of imaging in 3D... czytaj dalej

Bulletproof Wireless Security
Chandra Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Finally--a single volume guide to really effective security for both voice and data wireless networks! More and more data and voice communications are going via wireless at some point between the sender and... czytaj dalej

A. Steffen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Worldchanging is poised to be the Whole Earth Catalog for this millennium. Written by leading new thinkers who believe that the means for building a better future lie all around us, Worldchanging is packed... czytaj dalej

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance v.17
B. Gilbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This report covers developments in electron paramagnetic resonance to the end of 1999, with results set into the context of earlier work and presented as critical overviews. ... czytaj dalej