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Providing information on Athens' history and architectual heritage, this guide also features chapters on the Acropolis, cliff-temples, and Byzantine monasteries. The coverage also extends to accommodation and... czytaj dalej
Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF GREECE Greece + Greek phrasebook + World Food Greece Democracy, chaos and drama - the cornerstones of ancient Greece that still seduce visitors today. Explore the energetic... czytaj dalej
Das Buch stellt unsere Stadt dar, die eines der wichtigsten Reiseziele auf der europäischen Landkarte ist. Krakau, das bedeutet nicht nur vielhundertjährige Geschichte und monumentale Denkmäler, sondern auch... czytaj dalej
Discover the land of Pilgrims and Patriots! New England crams more history, scenery and outdoor adventure into six states than most countries. Walk the Freedom Trail, admire fall foliage, spot humpback whales... czytaj dalej
Rising up from their shallow limestone banks, the Turks and Caicos Islands are set like jewels amid warm turquoise waters. Jump in and encounter tropical fish, sea turtles, wild dolphins, sharks, rays and maybe... czytaj dalej
Located off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsular in the warm, tropical waters of the western Caribbean, Cozumel Island, with its crystalline waters and colorful reefs, boasts some of the best diving in the world. From... czytaj dalej
This guide to the culture, history and hedonism of New Orleans includes: listings on where to get some sleep, or party all night; emphasis on Cajun and Creole cuisines, from beignets and pralines to gumbo and... czytaj dalej
The best selling multi country guide with expanded coverage of Nigeria, West Africa's most populous country. Includes expert coverage of West Africa's world renowned music scene and features a special arts and craft section. ... czytaj dalej
This guide to the Algarve should be useful to travellers who have only a few days to spare and who want to get the best out of a short stay. Features include: approximately 20 do-it-yourself itineraries with... czytaj dalej
Kraków, a city of proud traditions and rich history, is unveiled in this comprehensive guide by one of its own citizens. Explore labyrinthine salt mines, marvel at religious icons and relax in medieval cellar... czytaj dalej