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Baja & Los Cabos TSK 6e
Danny Palmerlee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Once you set foot in baja, it's adios, troubles! Trade them in for endless beaches and cacti-filled deserts, fresh fish tacos and mouth-watering margaritas, all-night parties in crazy Cabo. Packed with opinionated... czytaj dalej

Best of Krakow
Watkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Among Krakow's untouched Old Town and myriad churches discover hidden cafes, underground clubs and chic new bars. Along cobbled alleys and down narrow medieval lanes find its tumltous past, folk traditions... czytaj dalej

Best of Rome 3e
A. Hole Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is a revamped design making better use of colour and icons. It is packed with useful information and mapped walking tours, plus Rome train system map to help visitors explore beyond the city centre. There... czytaj dalej

Old houses of the American South
Bonnie Ramsey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Stare domy Ameryki Południowej.... czytaj dalej

South East Asia Phrasebook 1e
Bradley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Essential words and phrases in Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Malay Indonesian, Pilipino, Thai and Vietnamese.the only phrasebook to thoroughly cover the languages of Sout-East Asiawritten by leading experts in each... czytaj dalej

Zambia TSK 1e
David Else Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover Zambia with Lonely Planet: Whether you want to gaze in awe at Victoria Falls, ride the rapids of the mighty Zambezi, watch wildlife without the crowds, or sip sundowners at sunset, this guide is your... czytaj dalej

Przez Afrykę bez kompasu
Krakowiak Andrzej Wydawnictwo: inne

Załatwianie wiz w ambasadzie Republiki Beninu w Lagos trwało bardzo krótko chociaż normalnie odbiór paszportu odbywa się następnego dnia. Takie przyśpieszenie uzyskaliśmy dzięki uprzejmej prośbie wspartej upominkiem... czytaj dalej

Mexico 10e
John Noble Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is consistently the best-selling, most comprehensive guide to the world's eighth most-popular tourist destination ("Mexico 9" was the bestselling guide on the market); "Mexico 10" is... czytaj dalej

Spain TSK 6e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by resident authors, this work talks about the walking tours through various major cities in Spain. It includes an outdoor activities section as well as a Camino de Santiago section. Whether you're... czytaj dalej

Best of Ljubljana
Fionn Davenport Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beat the crowds and the hype to sweet Ljubljana. Browse from antiques and crafts, then treat yourself to divine cake in a frescoed teahouse. Wander along cobbled streets, past elaborately painted buildings... czytaj dalej