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California has always appealed to travellers, playing host to millions of visitors a year from all over the world - people who are lured to the Golden State for the scenery, movie stars and the streets of San... czytaj dalej
Las Vegas is included in this guide to Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, completing the circular desert route many visitors to the area follow. Readers can also find explanations of Native American arts and crafts in the text as well.... czytaj dalej
Explore fairytale castles, trace the footsteps of Vikings and stroll long sandy beaches -- let the romance of Denmark sweep you away. Whether you crave the designer cool of Copenhagen or to escape from the... czytaj dalej
Jambo! Welcome to Kenya, home of lion prides, nomadic tribes and city-smart nightclubbers, realm of equatorial glaciers, ochre-red deserts and tranquil Indian Ocean coves. Whether you want to watch wildlife... czytaj dalej
Among Krakow's untouched Old Town and myriad churches discover hidden cafes, underground clubs and chic new bars. Along cobbled alleys and down narrow medieval lanes find its tumltous past, folk traditions... czytaj dalej
A full-colour pocket guide that offers Venice's top attractions. It features easy-to-use grid-referenced maps and a vaporetto-routes map; walking tours that help visitors make the most of their time in this... czytaj dalej
Compiled by Pat Martin. One chapter in this book is called "The Music is Alive." This well-written book is filled with lively stories of Czech traditions and celebrations, along with more than 100... czytaj dalej
Warsaw is often invoked as the epitome of the brutal environment produced by Soviet aesthetics and planning; its name conjures up a grey, faceless world of tower blocks and Orwellian government buildings. Its... czytaj dalej
Smoking volcanoes, lush lowlands and over 600 islands rimmed with coral reefs support a marine biodiversity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that is unequaled anywhere else in the world. The warm Solomon and Coral... czytaj dalej
There is a revamped design making better use of colour and icons. It is packed with useful information and mapped walking tours, plus Rome train system map to help visitors explore beyond the city centre. There... czytaj dalej