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Puerto Rico City Guide 1e
R. Peffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dive into the dynamic nightlife of Puerto Rico's spirited capital, explore lush rain forests and lose yourself in the island's vibrant festivals. From the ramparts of San Juan's centuries-old fortresses to... czytaj dalej

Poland Pallas Athena
S. Wormell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The vast medieval castles of the Teutonic Knights, primeval forests with Europe's only bison, untouched Renaissance model towns, lively folk traditions in the Tatra mountains - these are only some of the unexpected... czytaj dalej

Portuguese Phrasebook 1e
Clara De Macedo Vitorino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It's been said that the Portuguese language sounds like 'a drunken Frenchman trying to speak Spanish'. Don't let this put you off - this guide will help you leap into the language and culture. Whether sampling... czytaj dalej

Niejasna sytacja na kontynencie
Środa Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: Świat Literacki

Książka o podróży po Polsce i po świecie. Specyficzne spojrzenie na świat i jego mieszkańców. Autor odkrywa niezwyką atmosferę miejsc, które na ogół mijamy bez refleksji, takich jak chociażby warszawski Grochów.... czytaj dalej

Chile & Easter Island TSK 6e
Hubbard,Brigitte Barta,Jeff Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide offers up-to-date travel advice and background information about the history and culture of Chile, and the world's most remote island - Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui.... czytaj dalej

Samoa TSK 3e
Dorinda Talbot,Deanna Swaney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The islands of Samoa offer two cultures in one, where traditional Polynesian customs nudge the American dream. This comprehensive guide can take you to a village for an earth-based Sunday roast, through mangrove... czytaj dalej

Tibetan Pilgrimage
M. Peissel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By combining masonry with the skills of nomad tent-makers, Tibetan architects have produced unique, magnificent buildings that, for too long, have remained obscure and underestimated. It took author-illustrator... czytaj dalej

In Rajasthan 1e
R. Grewal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As she writes of her travels through Rajasthan, Royina Grewal takes us behind the exotic fascade of this fabled destination: here is an insider's perceptive account of India's most colourful state. In Rajasthan... czytaj dalej

Rarotonga & Cook Islands TSK 5e
Errol Hunt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text explores the reefs, jungles and mountains of this island chain as well as details on how to reach isolated destinations. Historical and cultural background and coverage of important traditional and... czytaj dalej

Belgium & Luxembourg TSK 3e
G. Cole Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by Belgium expert authors, one of whom is a native. ... czytaj dalej