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Cycling Cuba 1e
Jordan,Derek Choukalos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This essential guide steers you along 42 of Cuba's best cycling routes: climb the weirdest mountains this side of China, see ancient cave paintings on a pristine beach, or do a day trip on Havana's historic... czytaj dalej

ycie codzienne w Samarkandzie
Michał Łabenda, Abdurasul Niyazow Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Samarkanda ma w sobie posmak Orientu, zadziwiające piękno, kryje niezbadane sekrety i słodycze Wschodu. Nazywana perłą Uzbekistanu, stała się jego wizytówką, najchętniej odwiedzanym miastem, którego sama nazwa... czytaj dalej

Java TSK 2e
P. Turner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This indispensable guide to Java, an island of astonishing beauty, leads you through a rich blend of cultures and religions, where Hindu-Buddhist empires reached their zenith before Islam made its mark.62 maps... czytaj dalej

Cambridge & East Anglia Insight Compact Guide
Brian Bell Wydawnictwo: inne

This guide to Cambridge and East Anglia includes a chapter detailing Cambridge and East Anglia's history and culture, eight tours and excursions taking in sights ranging from Cambridge's King's College to the... czytaj dalej

Chasing Rickshaws 1e
T. Wheeler,R. I'Anson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Studied by engineers, evaluated by transportation economists and analyzed by sociologists, rickshaws and their riders are now celebrated in a fascinating and beautifully illustrated hardcover book. Inveterate... czytaj dalej

`Marią` dookoła świata
Krzeptowski Maciej Wydawnictwo: Bernardinum

Relacja z 32 miesięcy żeglugi jedynego polskiego jachtu, który dwukrotnie okrążył ziemski glob, niecodzienne obserwacje przyrodnicze i opisy spotkań z Polonią na trzech kontynentach.... czytaj dalej

Africa Healthy Travel 1e
Isabelle Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Getting the most out of your travels means staying healthy. Healthy Travel Africa is a user-friendly guide to minimising health risks for travellers to all parts of Africa, including Egypt.Written by Dr Isabelle... czytaj dalej

Portugal Alastair Sawday's Guide to Places to Stay
Sawday Wydawnictwo: inne

Portugal has a wonderfully long history and great variations in landscape and character. And this book has a terrific selection of special places. There are modern homes, full of light and space and old houses... czytaj dalej

Read This First Asia & India 1e
Chris Rowthorn,Peter Cruttenden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If you're planning a trip to Asia or the Indian subcontinent then this is the book for you. Lonely Planet has been travelling in this region for more than 25 years - our inside tips, practical advice and essential... czytaj dalej

World Food Caribbean 1e
B. Geddes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The islands of the Caribbean are home to a cuisine as diverse as it is delectable. Fertile soil and bountiful seas provide inter-island as well as regional specialties, and this guide will usher you to each... czytaj dalej