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World Food Mexico 1e
Bruce Geddes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In one bite of a taco, or sip of fiery tequila, you open an encyclopedia to Mexico and its people. Whether you're cooking or travelling, this is the essential companion for your Mexican culinary adventure.the... czytaj dalej

Istanbul to Kathmandu TSK 1e
P. Harding Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the edge of Europe to the rooftop of the world, retrace the trail made famous by ancient conquerors, and then infamous by backpackers of the 1960s. Whether you're looking for a meandering journey, an adrenaline-pumping... czytaj dalej

Groch i kapusta, czyli podróżuj po Polsce t.2.
Dzikowska Elżbieta Wydawnictwo: Rosikon Press

Polacy mogą teraz wędrować po świecie. Zmniejszyło się jednak ich zainteresowanie własnym krajem. Telewizyjny program Elżbiety Dzikowskiej "Groch i kapusta", który pokazuje Polakom ich Ojczyznę, spotkał... czytaj dalej

New Caledonia TSK 4e
Leanne Logan,Geert Cole Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From camping on pristine, deserted beaches, to fine dining in the sophisticated capital, Noumea, this guidebook will help you discover all the delights of idyllic New Caledonia. Learn about traditional cultures... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Red Sea 2e
J-B Carillet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For five millennia people have gathered along the shores of the Red Sea, but only in the past five decades have recreational divers delved beneath the waves. They flock here to explore the incredibly diverse... czytaj dalej

Russia & Belarus TSK 3e
Richmond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide gives detailed coverage of historic cities such as Moscow, St Petersburg and Kiev. It gives practical advice on activities from boat trips down the Volga River to skiing in the Caucasus, and covers... czytaj dalej

Ibiza APA Pocket Guides
B. Collings Wydawnictwo: inne

Part of the "Insight Pocket Guides" series, this guide to Ibiza has been upgraded to incorporate a full-sized, pull-out map. Indexed and produced to a high cartographic standard, this map can be used... czytaj dalej

Florence Condensed 1e
Hughes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide to Florence contains maps, along with details on tours, transport, places to stay and sights to see. It contains a full index of streets and sights, essential information and important telephone numbers. ... czytaj dalej

Barcelona City Guide 5e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An in depth guide to Europe's premier city break destination, gateway to the Costa brava. It inlcudes more maps and more mapped entries than the competition guides. ... czytaj dalej

Marbella Costa Del Sol APA Pocket Guides
H. Hofer Wydawnictwo: inne

Part of the "Insight Pocket Guides" series, this guide to the Costa Del Sol has been upgraded to incorporate a full-sized, pull-out map. Indexed and produced to a high cartographic standard, this... czytaj dalej