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Maverick in Madagascar 1e
Mark Eveleigh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Intrigued by tales of the Vazimba people - a mysterious tribe of white pygmies according to some accounts; an invisible telepathic people according to others - Mark Eveleigh travels to the ancient 'Isle of... czytaj dalej

Season with Verona
Tim Parks Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

For the last few months Anglo-Italian novelist Tim Parks has been writing of his devotion to Italian football club Hellas Verona in The Guardian. In A Season with Verona we get a chance to read the full and... czytaj dalej

Companion Guide to Rome
Georgina Masson Wydawnictwo: inne

(The author) has an observant and enthusiastic eye, she writes elegantly and with warmth, and knows her subject inside out. SUNDAY TELEGRAPHBR> The best guide to Rome published for many a long year SUNDAY... czytaj dalej

Best of Florence 2e
Damien Simonis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover the city that gave the world the Renaissance. Marvel at Michelangelo's David. Behold Botticelli at the Uffizi. Gaze across rooftops from the Duomo's dome. Then, indulge in some retail therapy ­ -... czytaj dalej

France 7e
N. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gaze at the gargoyles and ponder Quasimodo's fate as you laze in the park behind Notre Dame p133.Fly off-piste down glaciers near Chamonix on the notorious VallĂŠe Blanche descent p534.Get lost in secret passageways... czytaj dalej

Munich & Bavaria TSK 2e
Andrea Schulte-Peevers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover fantasy castles and be charmed by medieval towns, explore ancient forests and climb the soaring Bavarian Alps. Or sample the world's best beers on a hops trail from Bamberg to Munich. Uncover the heart... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Guam & Yap 2e
T. Rock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dubbed the 'Hard Coral Capitals' of Micronesia, the islands of Guam, Rota and Yap offer a unique mix of underwater environments and topside cultural diversity. Go on an underwater history adventure exploring... czytaj dalej

Peloponnese TSK 1e
David Willett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Birthplace of Greek civilizations and playground of the gods, the Peloponnese offers a wealth of culture matched only by its spectacular landscape. Escape into the Greece of myths and legends with this essential... czytaj dalej

Frommer's England from $70 Day 24Ed
D. Porter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Frommer's is the name you can trust for great travel bargains. Our acclaimed $-a-Day series is not for backpackers who want to rough it, but for travelers with taste, who've outgrown their student lifestyle... czytaj dalej

Wielkie fiesty Europy
Krzysztof Sawala, Wojciech Krawczyk, Jacek Bednarski Wydawnictwo: inne

Spośród setek rozmaitych fiest, jakie przez cały rok odbywają się w różnych regionach Europy, autorzy wybrali 38 należących, ich zdaniem, do najciekawszych pod względem etnokulturowym imprez o charakterze historycznym... czytaj dalej