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Fox & the Stork
J. McDermontt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In a retelling of a familiar trickster tale, McDermott brings warmth and humor to the story of a fox who thinks he is so clever--until Stork outfoxes him and teaches him about friendship. Full-color illustration. ... czytaj dalej

Five Moral Pieces
U. Eco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In these five essays, Umberto Eco considers the topics of modern warfare, multiculturalism, the media, atheism, and (drawing on his own Italian boyhood) fascism past and present. ... czytaj dalej

Graeme-Evans Wydawnictwo: inne

The Innocent is a bold, gripping story of forbidden love set in a violent age - a saga of lust, conspiracy and betrayal. ... czytaj dalej

Dragon Slayers' Academy #3 Class Trip to the Cave of Doom
K. McMullan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Wiglaf joins the other students of Dragon Slayers' Academy in searching the Dark Forest for the Cave of Doom, which supposedly contains the gold of the dead dragon Seetha.... czytaj dalej

Homeless Bird
G. Whelan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Like many girls her age in India, 13-year-old Koly is wed to a stranger whom her parents have chosen. In the wake of her marriage, however, Koly's life takes an unexpected turn, and she finds herself alone... czytaj dalej

Apple Fractions
Jerry Pallotta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Author Jerry Pallotta and illustrator Rob Bolster use a variety of different apples to teach kids all about fractions in this innovative and enjoyable book. Playful elves demonstrate how to divide apples into... czytaj dalej

Knights' Kingdom #1 Search for the King (Level #4)
Lipkowitz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

After their Kingdom is taken over by the Dark Knight Vladek, a band of heroic Knights are forced to travel on a dangerous quest to find the Heart of the mythical Shield of Ages-the one thing that can help the... czytaj dalej

Five Senses It's Science
Sally Hewitt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It's Science introduces children to the science that surrounds them in their everyday world. Simple, friendly text works closely with top-quality photography to open up a new area of learning. Each page is... czytaj dalej

Fish Is Fish
Leo Lionni Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A modern fable of a minnow who wants to follow his tadpole friend-who becomes a frog-onto land. After Fish tries to see the marvelous world described by his friend Frog, he decides that his water world is the... czytaj dalej

Have You Seen My Duckling
Nancy Tafuri Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this predictable book, a mother duck searches for her adventuresome duckling.... czytaj dalej