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W stronę niewinności
Philippe Dian Wydawnictwo: Sic!

Powieść W stronę niewinności, w której Philippe Djian z wdziękiem godnym mistrza bawi się konwencją literatury pornograficznej, to hołd złożony Henry’emu Millerowi. Narrator, Francis, jest pisarzem, który wprawdzie... czytaj dalej

Bitwa o Legnicę
Praca Zbiorowa, Artur Burszta Wydawnictwo: Biuro Literackie

... czytaj dalej

G. Chevallier Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

An ingenious satire on the clash of secular and religious forces in a small French village: the socialist mayor decides to construct a public urinal in the town. However, the chosen locale is next to the village... czytaj dalej

Don't Tell Anyone
Busch Wydawnictwo: inne

The parents and children in these stories are driven to speak by the hungers of love and the fear of time. Tender, funny, sometimes heartbreaking, Busch captures our need to connect, the failures that make... czytaj dalej

John Wayne Novel
Dan Barden Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A fictionalized account of the remarkable life of John Wayne... czytaj dalej

Invisible Man
Wells Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A stranger curiously dressed in bandages and dark glasses arrives at an inn and quickly instills fear and curiosity in those who surround him. A scientist who has discovered the means to make himself invisible... czytaj dalej

Stroke of Midnight
L. Hamilton Wydawnictwo: inne

The fourth darkly fantastic, deliciously erotic outing for PI/Faerie Princess Meredith Gentry... I am Meredith Gentry, PI and Princess Merry, heir to the throne of Fairie. I have departed the safe haven of... czytaj dalej

Story of Thomas Alva Edison Inventor
Margaret Davidson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An accessible biography that explains the basic scientific principles behind Edison's discoveries as well as his joys, tragedies, and amazing successes.... czytaj dalej

They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky
Deng Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Benjamin, Alepho and Benson were raised among the Dinka tribe of Sudan. Their world was an insulated, close-knit community of grass-roofed cottages, cattle herders and tribal councils. The lions and pythons... czytaj dalej

Officer down
Schwegel Theresa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Schwegel's instantly engrossing debut crime novel begins with the bungled bust of child molester Marko Trovic: after Samantha "Smack" Mack, a chain-smoking, hard-drinking Chicago police officer, and... czytaj dalej