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Abby has always considered herself to be a little vanilla#8212;sweet, plain, but not very exciting. So when she finds herself flying across the ocean to London, trying to forget her problems with her cheating... czytaj dalej
Scottish journalist Meg Henderson grew up in Glasgow during the fifties and sixties as part of a large, often troubled, family. The tenement block in which they lived collapsed and they were moved to the notorious... czytaj dalej
Robert wants to be a star in the movies. Using his computer he has invented a system that could put the old stars back on the screen, alongside him. He has the script and the money, but Hollywood isn't keen... czytaj dalej
Unusual facts are brought to life by amusing comparisons, stunningly realistic artwork, and humorous cartoons in this book about the animal world. Maps and lists give summaries of the record-breakers of the... czytaj dalej
In 1798 Rebecca, a young settler in the Ohio territory, meets the Shawnee called Tecumseh and later develops a deep friendship with him. ... czytaj dalej
When the Chernobyl reactor melted down in 1986, massive levels of radiation were unleashed on the former Soviet Union and created a generation of over a million deformed children. Igor Pavlovets was one of... czytaj dalej
Jordan Buchanan is thrilled that her brother and best friend are tying the knot. The wedding is a lavish affair?for the marriage of Dylan Buchanan and Kate MacKenna is no ordinary occasion. It represents the... czytaj dalej
The Times "The most powerful treatise yet on the gravity of global warming....I defy you to read this book and not feel motivated to change." The Financial Times"Well-researched and worth reading... czytaj dalej
Marian Dworakowski to poeta o dużej niebanalnej wyobraźni. Jego wizje poetyckie są czyste, wręcz sprawdzalne. Jego intuicja niezwykle szeroka. Jego "przeczucia" daleko wybiegające w przyszłość. Ten... czytaj dalej
Poezja Tylmana, erudycyjna, prowokująca do myślenia, obraca się swobodnie w konwencjach traktatu filozoficznego oraz nowej epiki romantycznej. Powyższa edycja wierszy Tylmana jest wyborem z jego bogatej twórczości... czytaj dalej