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Little Lady Agency
Browne Wydawnictwo: inne

When sweet, naive Melissa seeks a job with her old Home Economics teacher she is half way through the interview before it dawns on her that Mrs McKinnon isn't interested in her cookery skills, but is in fact... czytaj dalej

Harry Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

The earth has succumbed to an uneasy peace with their alien invaders. Both sides have fought each other more or less to a stand-still. But what humanity is yet to grasp is that events are not so easily diverted... czytaj dalej

Handbook on the International Exchange of Publications
K. Ekonen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since publication of the previous (fourth) edition of this handbook by UNESCO in 1978, drastic technological progress and very important changes in the political-economic sphere have taken place, with great... czytaj dalej

Dragon Bones
L. See Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A farmer finds a corpse floating near the mouth of the Yangtze River. This isn't the first time a body has washed up on his little piece of land. He's seen girl babies. He's seen young women. But this body... czytaj dalej

Carpet People
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A hilarious fantasy, co-written by Terry Pratchett, aged seventeen, and master storyteller, Terry Pratchett, aged forty-three. In the beginning there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet ... czytaj dalej

Satie Remembered
Robert Orledge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From "Gymnopedies" to the scandalous ballet "Relache", Erik Satie's creations are paradoxical and extraordinary, and the mask the composer created for himself was as deliberately ambiguous... czytaj dalej

Shoplifter's Apprentice Stories
Ellen Lesser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A collection of stories by a writer noted for "a way of conjuring up scenes that vibrate with subtle tensions"--New York Times Book Review. In the title story, a woman falls for the lure and beauty... czytaj dalej

I odpuść nam nasze winy
Claus Cornelius Fischer Wydawnictwo: Sonia Draga

Sprytny psychopatyczny morderca kontra obdarzony siódmym zmysłem gliniarz. To potyczka, która musi trzymać w napięciu.Debiutancka powieść wybitnego niemieckiego dziennikarza, felietonisty Die Zeit i Die Welt... czytaj dalej

Kill Chain
M. Gardiner Wydawnictwo: inne

When Evan Delaney's father disappears, the cops think he's fled the country to avoid prosecution. But Evan is sure that Phil has been abducted or killed for reasons associated with his work for Naval Intelligence... czytaj dalej

Nieprzystojne obnażenie
Sharpe Tom Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka

Szef policji, komendant van Heerden, za wszelką cenę stara się zostać uznanym członkiem angielskiej społeczności w południowoafrykańskim Piemburgu. Perypetie zaczynają się, gdy przekazuje władzę pechowemu porucznikowi... czytaj dalej